#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # pylint: disable=C0111,C0326,C0103 """Check all/given PRDs for OTA updates.""" import sys from tcllib import ansi, argparser, devlist from tcllib.devices import MobileDevice from tcllib.dumpmgr import write_info_if_dumps_found from tcllib.requests import CheckRequest, RequestRunner, ServerVoteSelector dev = MobileDevice() dpdesc = """ Checks for the latest OTA updates for all PRD numbers or only for the PRD specified as prd. Initial software version can be specified with forcever. """ dp = argparser.DefaultParser(__file__, dpdesc) dp.add_argument("forcever", help="Initial software version to check for OTA updates, e.g. AAM481", nargs="?", default=None) dp.add_argument("-p", "--prd", help="CU Reference # to filter scan results", dest="tocheck", nargs="?", default=None, metavar="PRD") dp.add_argument("-l", "--local", help="Force using local database", dest="local", action="store_true", default=False) args = dp.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) if args.forcever is not None: force_ver_text = " from {}".format(args.forcever) else: force_ver_text = "" prdcheck = "" if args.tocheck is None else args.tocheck print("Loading list of devices.") prds = devlist.get_devicelist(local=args.local) print("List of latest OTA firmware{} by PRD:".format(force_ver_text)) runner = RequestRunner(ServerVoteSelector()) runner.max_tries = 20 for prd, variant in prds.items(): if "PRD" not in prd: continue model = variant["variant"] lastver = variant["last_ota"] lastver = variant["last_full"] if lastver is None else lastver if args.forcever is not None: lastver = args.forcever if not prdcheck in prd: continue dev.curef = prd dev.fwver = lastver chk = CheckRequest(dev) runner.run(chk) if chk.success: result = chk.get_result() versioninfo = ansi.YELLOW_DARK + result.fvver + ansi.RESET + " ⇨ " + ansi.YELLOW + result.tvver + ansi.RESET + " (FULL: {})".format(variant["last_full"]) print("{}: {} {} ({})".format(prd, versioninfo, result.filehash, model)) else: print("{} ({}): {}".format(prd, lastver, chk.error)) write_info_if_dumps_found()