#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # pylint: disable=C0111,C0326,C0103 import collections import sys import tcllib import tcllib.argparser from tcllib import ansi from requests.exceptions import RequestException, Timeout # Variants to scan for SCAN_VARIANTS = ["001", "003", "009", "010", "700"] fc = tcllib.FotaCheck() fc.serid = "3531510" fc.fv = "AAA000" fc.mode = fc.MODE.FULL # CLTP = 10 (only show actual updates or HTTP 206) / 2010 (always show latest version for MODE.FULL) #fc.cltp = fc.CLTP.MOBILE fc.cltp = fc.CLTP.DESKTOP dpdesc = """ Finds new PRD numbers for a range of variants. Scan range can be set by floor and ceiling switches. """ dp = tcllib.argparser.DefaultParser(__file__, dpdesc) dp.add_argument("floor", nargs="?", help="Model number to start with", type=int, default=63116) dp.add_argument("ceiling", nargs="?", help="Model number to end with", type=int, default=99999) args = dp.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) floor = args.floor ceiling = args.ceiling + 1 if ceiling < floor: print("Invalid range!") raise SystemExit print("Loading list of known devices...", end="", flush=True) prd_db = tcllib.FotaCheck.get_devicelist() print(" OK") print("Valid PRDs not already in database:") known_centers = set(int(x.replace("PRD-", "").split("-")[0]) for x in prd_db) scan_list = set(range(floor, ceiling)) to_scan = scan_list - known_centers total_count = len(to_scan) * len(SCAN_VARIANTS) done_count = 0 for center in to_scan: for j in SCAN_VARIANTS: curef = "PRD-{:05}-{:3}".format(center, j) done_count += 1 print("Checking {} ({}/{})".format(curef, done_count, total_count)) print(ansi.UP_DEL, end="") try: fc.reset_session() fc.curef = curef check_xml = fc.do_check(https=False, max_tries=20) curef, fv, tv, fw_id, fileid, fn, fsize, fhash = fc.parse_check(check_xml) txt_tv = tv print("{}: {} {}".format(curef, txt_tv, fhash)) except (SystemExit, RequestException, Timeout) as e: continue print("Scan complete.") tcllib.FotaCheck.write_info_if_dumps_found()