#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # pylint: disable=C0111,C0326,C0103 """Download a given firmware file.""" import os import sys from tcllib import argparser from tcllib.devices import DesktopDevice from tcllib.dumpmgr import write_info_if_dumps_found from tcllib.requests import RequestRunner, CheckRequest, DownloadRequest, \ ChecksumRequest, EncryptHeaderRequest, ServerSelector dpdesc = """ Downloads the given firmware file. """ dp = argparser.DefaultParser(__file__, dpdesc) dp.add_argument("prd", nargs=1, help="CU Reference #, e.g. PRD-63117-011") dp.add_argument("targetversion", nargs=1, help="Firmware version to download, e.g. AAN990") dp.add_argument("fwid", nargs=1, help="Numeric firmware file id, e.g. 268932") dp.add_argument("-o", "--ota", metavar="FROMVERSION", help="download OTA from specified version (switches mode to OTA)", type=str) dp.add_argument("-i", "--imei", help="use specified IMEI instead of default", type=str) dp.add_argument("-t", "--type", help="download device (default to desktop)", default="desktop", type=str, choices=["desktop", "mobile"]) dp.add_argument("--rawmode", help="override --mode with raw value (2=OTA, 4=FULL)", metavar="MODE") dp.add_argument("--rawcltp", help="override --type with raw value (10=MOBILE, 2010=DESKTOP)", metavar="CLTP") args = dp.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) dev = DesktopDevice() def sel_mode(defaultmode, rawval): """Handle custom mode.""" if rawval: return rawval return defaultmode def sel_cltp(txtmode, rawval): """Handle custom CLTP.""" if rawval: return rawval if txtmode == "mobile": return dev.CLTP_STATES["MOBILE"] return dev.CLTP_STATES["DESKTOP"] if args.imei: print("Use specified IMEI: {}".format(args.imei)) dev.imei = args.imei dev.curef = args.prd[0] if args.ota: dev.fwver = args.ota[0] dev.mode = sel_mode(dev.MODE_STATES["OTA"], args.rawmode) else: dev.fwver = args.targetversion[0] dev.mode = sel_mode(dev.MODE_STATES["FULL"], args.rawmode) dev.cltp = sel_cltp(args.type, args.rawcltp) print("Mode: {}".format(dev.mode)) print("CLTP: {}".format(dev.cltp)) runner = RequestRunner(ServerSelector()) runner.max_tries = 20 tv = args.targetversion[0] fw_id = args.fwid[0] dlr = DownloadRequest(dev, tv, fw_id) runner.run(dlr) if not dlr.success: print("ERROR: {}".format(dlr.error)) sys.exit(3) dlrres = dlr.get_result() print(dlrres.pretty_xml()) for s in dlrres.slaves: print("http://{}{}".format(s, dlrres.fileurl)) for s in dlrres.s3_slaves: print("http://{}{}".format(s, dlrres.s3_fileurl)) if dev.mode == dev.MODE_STATES["FULL"]: encrun = RequestRunner(ServerSelector(dlrres.encslaves), https=False) encrun.max_tries = 20 hdr = EncryptHeaderRequest(dlrres.fileurl) encrun.run(hdr) if hdr.success: hdrres = hdr.get_result() headname = "header_{}.bin".format(tv) headdir = "headers" if not os.path.exists(headdir): os.makedirs(headdir) if len(hdrres.rawdata) == 4194320: print("Header length check passed. Writing to {}.".format(headname)) with open(os.path.join(headdir, headname), "wb") as f: f.write(hdrres.rawdata) else: print("Header length invalid ({}).".format(len(hdrres.rawdata))) write_info_if_dumps_found()