#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Pseudo-devices for desktop/mobile requests""" class Device(): """Generic pseudo-device class.""" CLTP_STATES = { "MOBILE": 10, # only show actual newer versions or HTTP 206 "DESKTOP": 2010, # always show latest version for FULL updates } MODE_STATES = {"OTA": 2, "FULL": 4} CHNL_STATES = {"3G": 1, "WIFI": 2} CKTP_STATES = {"AUTO": 1, "MANUAL": 2} CKOT_STATES = {"ALL": 1, "AOTA_ONLY": 2, "FOTA_ONLY": 3} def __init__(self, curef, fwver): """Populate variables.""" self.curef = curef self.imei = "" self.osver = "7.1.1" self.fwver = fwver self.rtd = 0 self.cltp = self.CLTP_STATES["DESKTOP"] self.mode = self.MODE_STATES["FULL"] self.type = "Firmware" self.chnl = self.CHNL_STATES["WIFI"] self.cktp = self.CKTP_STATES["MANUAL"] self.ckot = self.CKOT_STATES["ALL"] self.uagent = "tcl" def is_rooted(self): """Get RTD as boolean.""" return self.rtd == 1 def set_rooted(self, new_state: bool): """Set RTD as integer.""" self.rtd = int(new_state) def set_cltp(self, new_cltp: str): """Set CLTP while handling non-numeric input.""" # (Numerical CLTPs can be set by direct assigns.) # Throws exception when invalid cltp given: self.cltp = self.CLTP_STATES[new_cltp] def set_mode(self, new_mode: str): """Set MODE while handling non-numeric input.""" # (Numerical MODEs can be set by direct assigns.) # Throws exception when invalid mode given: self.mode = self.MODE_STATES[new_mode] def set_chnl(self, new_chnl: str): """Set CHNL while handling non-numeric input.""" # (Numerical CHNLs can be set by direct assigns.) # Throws exception when invalid mode given: self.chnl = self.CHNL_STATES[new_chnl] def set_ckot(self, new_ckot: str): """Set CKOT while handling non-numeric input.""" # (Numerical CKOTs can be set by direct assigns.) # Throws exception when invalid mode given: self.ckot = self.CKOT_STATES[new_ckot] class MobileDevice(Device): """Generic mobile (i.e. OTA) device.""" def __init__(self, curef="PRD-63117-011", fwver="AAO472"): """Populate variables.""" super().__init__(curef, fwver) self.imei = "3531510" self.set_cltp("MOBILE") self.set_mode("OTA") self.uagent = "com.tcl.fota/, Android" class DesktopDevice(Device): """Generic desktop (i.e. full) device.""" def __init__(self, curef="PRD-63117-011", fwver="AAA000"): """Populate variables.""" super().__init__(curef, fwver) self.imei = "543212345000000" self.set_cltp("DESKTOP") self.set_mode("FULL")