#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # pylint: disable=C0111,C0326,C0103 import os import random import sys import tcllib fc = tcllib.FotaCheck() fc.cltp = fc.CLTP.MOBILE fc.serid = "3531510" #fc.osvs = "7.1.1" dp = tcllib.DefaultParser(__file__) dp.add_argument("prd", nargs="?", default="AAM481") dp.add_argument("fvver", nargs="?", default="PRD-63117-011") args = dp.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) if len(sys.argv) == 3: # python tclcheck.py $PRD $FV = OTA delta for $PRD from $FV fc.curef = args.prd fc.fv = args.fvver fc.mode = fc.MODE.OTA elif len(sys.argv) == 2: # python tclcheck.py $PRD = FULL for $PRD fc.curef = args.prd fc.fv = "AAA000" fc.mode = fc.MODE.FULL fc.cltp = fc.CLTP.DESKTOP else: # python tclcheck.py = OTA for default PRD, FV fc.curef = "PRD-63117-011" fc.fv = "AAM481" fc.mode = fc.MODE.OTA check_xml = fc.do_check() print(fc.pretty_xml(check_xml)) curef, fv, tv, fw_id, fileid, fn, fsize, fhash = fc.parse_check(check_xml) req_xml = fc.do_request(curef, fv, tv, fw_id) print(fc.pretty_xml(req_xml)) fileid, fileurl, slaves, encslaves = fc.parse_request(req_xml) for s in slaves: print("http://{}{}".format(s, fileurl)) if fc.mode == fc.MODE.FULL: header = fc.do_encrypt_header(random.choice(encslaves), fileurl) headname = "header_{}.bin".format(tv) headdir = "headers" if not os.path.exists(headdir): os.makedirs(headdir) if len(header) == 4194320: print("Header length check passed. Writing to {}.".format(headname)) with open(os.path.join(headdir, headname), "wb") as f: f.write(header) else: print("Header length invalid ({}).".format(len(header))) tcllib.FotaCheck.write_info_if_dumps_found()