mirror of https://github.com/mbirth/tcl_ota_check.git synced 2024-11-09 22:06:47 +00:00
2017-10-26 14:14:25 -04:00

75 lines
2.3 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: disable=C0111,C0326,C0103
import collections
import sys
import tcllib
from requests.exceptions import RequestException, Timeout
fc = tcllib.FotaCheck()
fc.serid = "3531510"
fc.fv = "AAA000"
fc.mode = fc.MODE.FULL
# CLTP = 10 (only show actual updates or HTTP 206) / 2010 (always show latest version for MODE.FULL)
#fc.cltp = fc.CLTP.MOBILE
fc.cltp = fc.CLTP.DESKTOP
dp = tcllib.DefaultParser(__file__)
dp.add_argument("tocheck", nargs="?", default=None)
dp.add_argument("-f", "--floor", dest="floor", nargs="?", type=int, default=0)
dp.add_argument("-c", "--ceiling", dest="ceiling", nargs="?", type=int, default=999)
args = dp.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
floor = args.floor
ceiling = args.ceiling + 1
if ceiling < floor:
print("Invalid range!")
raise SystemExit
print("Valid PRDs not already in database:")
with open("prds.txt", "r") as afile:
prddict = collections.defaultdict(list)
prda = afile.readlines()
prds = [x.split(" ")[0].replace("PRD-", "").split("-") for x in prda]
prdx = list({x[0]: x[1]} for x in prds)
for prdc in prdx:
for key, value in prdc.items():
if args.tocheck is not None:
prdkeys = list(prddict.keys())
for k in prdkeys:
if k != args.tocheck:
del prddict[k]
if not prddict:
prddict[args.tocheck] = []
for center in sorted(prddict.keys()):
tails = [int(i) for i in prddict[center]]
safes = [g for g in range(floor, ceiling) if g not in tails]
total_count = len(safes)
done_count = 0
print("Checking {} variant codes for model {}.".format(total_count, center))
for j in safes:
curef = "PRD-{}-{:03}".format(center, j)
done_count += 1
print("Checking {} ({}/{})".format(curef, done_count, total_count))
print(tcllib.ANSI_UP_DEL, end="")
fc.curef = curef
check_xml = fc.do_check(https=False, max_tries=20)
curef, fv, tv, fw_id, fileid, fn, fsize, fhash = fc.parse_check(check_xml)
txt_tv = tv
print("{}: {} {}".format(curef, txt_tv, fhash))
except (SystemExit, RequestException, Timeout) as e:
print("Scan complete.")