mirror of
synced 2024-11-10 06:16:46 +00:00
331 lines
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331 lines
13 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: disable=C0111,C0326
import argparse
import base64
import binascii
import enum
import errno
import glob
import hashlib
import os
import platform
import random
import time
import xml.dom.minidom
import zlib
from collections import OrderedDict
from math import floor
import numpy
import requests
from defusedxml import ElementTree
ANSI_UP_DEL = u"\u001b[F\u001b[K"
ANSI_BLACK = u"\u001b[0;30m"
ANSI_RED_DARK = u"\u001b[0;31m"
ANSI_GREEN_DARK = u"\001b[0;32m"
ANSI_YELLOW_DARK = u"\u001b[0;33m"
ANSI_CYAN_DARK = u"\u001b[0;36m"
ANSI_SILVER = u"\u001b[0;37m"
ANSI_GREY = u"\u001b[1;30m"
ANSI_RED = u"\u001b[1;31m"
ANSI_GREEN = u"\001b[1;32m"
ANSI_YELLOW = u"\u001b[1;33m"
ANSI_CYAN = u"\u001b[1;36m"
ANSI_WHITE = u"\u001b[1;37m"
ANSI_RESET = u"\u001b[0m"
def make_escapes_work():
system = platform.system()
if system == "Windows":
import colorama
except ImportError:
def default_enum(enumname, vardict):
return enum.IntEnum(enumname, vardict, module=__name__, qualname="tcllib.FotaCheck.{}".format(enumname))
class DefaultParser(argparse.ArgumentParser):
def __init__(self, appname):
super().__init__(prog=appname.replace(".py", ""), epilog="https://github.com/mbirth/tcl_ota_check")
class FotaCheck:
VDKEY = b"eJwdjwEOwDAIAr8kKFr//7HhmqXp8AIIDrYAgg8byiUXrwRJRXja+d6iNxu0AhUooDCN9rd6rDLxmGIakUVWo3IGCTRWqCAt6X4jGEIUAxgN0eYWnp+LkpHQAg/PsO90ELsy0Npm/n2HbtPndFgGEV31R9OmT4O4nrddjc3Qt6nWscx7e+WRHq5UnOudtjw5skuV09pFhvmqnOEIs4ljPeel1wfLYUF4\n"
CKTP = default_enum("CKTP", ["AUTO", "MANUAL"])
MODE = default_enum("MODE", {"OTA": 2, "FULL": 4})
RTD = default_enum("RTD", ["UNROOTED", "ROOTED"])
CHNL = default_enum("CHNL", ["3G", "WIFI"])
CLTP = default_enum("CLTP", {"MOBILE": 10, "DESKTOP": 2010})
CKOT = default_enum("CKOT", ["ALL", "AOTA_ONLY", "FOTA_ONLY"])
def __init__(self):
self.serid = "543212345000000"
self.curef = "PRD-63117-011"
self.fv = "AAM481"
self.osvs = "7.1.1"
self.mode = self.MODE.FULL
self.ftype = "Firmware"
self.cltp = self.CLTP.MOBILE
self.cktp = self.CKTP.MANUAL
self.ckot = self.CKOT.ALL
self.rtd = self.RTD.UNROOTED
self.chnl = self.CHNL.WIFI
self.g2master = None
self.master_servers = [
self.master_servers_weights = [3] * len(self.master_servers)
self.check_time_sum = 3
self.check_time_count = 1
def reset_session(self):
self.g2master = self.get_master_server()
self.sess = requests.Session()
if self.mode == self.MODE.FULL:
self.sess.headers.update({"User-Agent": "com.tcl.fota/, Android"})
self.sess.headers.update({"User-Agent": "tcl"})
return self.sess
def get_salt():
millis = floor(time.time() * 1000)
tail = "{:06d}".format(random.randint(0, 999999))
return "{}{}".format(str(millis), tail)
def get_master_server(self):
weight_sum = 0
for i in self.master_servers_weights:
weight_sum += i
numpy_weights = []
for i in self.master_servers_weights:
return numpy.random.choice(self.master_servers, p=numpy_weights)
def master_server_downvote(self):
idx = self.master_servers.index(self.g2master)
if self.master_servers_weights[idx] > 1:
self.master_servers_weights[idx] -= 1
def master_server_upvote(self):
idx = self.master_servers.index(self.g2master)
if self.master_servers_weights[idx] < 10:
self.master_servers_weights[idx] += 1
def check_time_add(self, duration):
self.check_time_sum += duration
self.check_time_count += 1
def check_time_avg(self):
return (self.check_time_sum / self.check_time_count)
def master_server_vote_on_time(self, last_duration, avg_duration):
if last_duration < avg_duration - 0.5:
elif last_duration > avg_duration + 0.5:
def write_dump(self, data):
outfile = os.path.normpath("logs/{}.xml".format(self.get_salt()))
if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(outfile)):
except OSError as e:
if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
with open(outfile, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
def write_info_if_dumps_found():
# To disable this info, uncomment the following line.
files = glob.glob(os.path.normpath("logs/*.xml"))
if len(files) > 0:
print("{}There are {} logs collected in the logs/ directory.{} Please consider uploading".format(ANSI_YELLOW, len(files), ANSI_RESET))
print("them to https://tclota.birth-online.de/ by running {}./upload_logs.py{}.".format(ANSI_CYAN, ANSI_RESET))
def do_check(self, https=True, timeout=10, max_tries=5):
protocol = "https://" if https else "http://"
url = protocol + self.g2master + "/check.php"
params = OrderedDict()
params["id"] = self.serid
params["curef"] = self.curef
params["fv"] = self.fv
params["mode"] = self.mode.value
params["type"] = self.ftype
params["cltp"] = self.cltp.value
params["cktp"] = self.cktp.value
params["rtd"] = self.rtd.value
params["chnl"] = self.chnl.value
#params["osvs"] = self.osvs
#params["ckot"] = self.ckot.value
last_response = None
for num_try in range(0, max_tries):
reqtime_start = time.perf_counter()
req = self.sess.get(url, params=params, timeout=timeout)
reqtime = time.perf_counter() - reqtime_start
reqtime_avg = self.check_time_avg()
last_response = req
if req.status_code == 200:
self.master_server_vote_on_time(reqtime, reqtime_avg)
req.encoding = "utf-8" # Force encoding as server doesn't give one
return req.text
elif req.status_code == 204:
self.master_server_vote_on_time(reqtime, reqtime_avg)
raise requests.exceptions.HTTPError("No update available.", response=req)
elif req.status_code == 404:
self.master_server_vote_on_time(reqtime, reqtime_avg)
raise requests.exceptions.HTTPError("No data for requested CUREF/FV combination.", response=req)
elif req.status_code not in [500, 502, 503]:
raise requests.exceptions.HTTPError("HTTP {}.".format(req.status_code), response=req)
except requests.exceptions.Timeout:
# Something went wrong, try a different server
self.g2master = self.get_master_server()
protocol = "https://" if https else "http://"
url = protocol + self.g2master + "/check.php"
raise requests.exceptions.RetryError("Max tries ({}) reached.".format(max_tries), response=last_response)
def pretty_xml(xmlstr):
mdx = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xmlstr)
return mdx.toprettyxml(indent=" ")
def parse_check(xmlstr):
root = ElementTree.fromstring(xmlstr)
curef = root.find("CUREF").text
fv = root.find("VERSION").find("FV").text
tv = root.find("VERSION").find("TV").text
fw_id = root.find("FIRMWARE").find("FW_ID").text
fileinfo = root.find("FIRMWARE").find("FILESET").find("FILE")
fileid = fileinfo.find("FILE_ID").text
filename = fileinfo.find("FILENAME").text
filesize = fileinfo.find("SIZE").text
filehash = fileinfo.find("CHECKSUM").text
return curef, fv, tv, fw_id, fileid, filename, filesize, filehash
def get_vk2(self, params_dict, cltp):
params_dict["cltp"] = cltp
query = ""
for k, v in params_dict.items():
if len(query) > 0:
query += "&"
query += k + "=" + str(v)
vdk = zlib.decompress(binascii.a2b_base64(self.VDKEY))
query += vdk.decode("utf-8")
engine = hashlib.sha1()
engine.update(bytes(query, "utf-8"))
hexhash = engine.hexdigest()
return hexhash
def get_creds():
creds = {
b"YWNjb3VudA==": b"emhlbmdodWEuZ2Fv",
b"cGFzc3dvcmQ=": b"cWFydUQ0b2s=",
params = {base64.b64decode(key): base64.b64decode(val) for key, val in creds.items()}
return params
private HashMap<String, String> buildDownloadUrisParams(UpdatePackageInfo updatePackageInfo) {
FotaLog.m28v(TAG, "doAfterCheck");
String salt = FotaUtil.salt();
HashMap linkedHashMap = new LinkedHashMap();
linkedHashMap.put("id", this.internalBuilder.getParam("id"));
linkedHashMap.put("salt", salt);
linkedHashMap.put("curef", updatePackageInfo.mCuref);
linkedHashMap.put("fv", updatePackageInfo.mFv);
linkedHashMap.put("tv", updatePackageInfo.mTv);
linkedHashMap.put("type", "Firmware");
linkedHashMap.put("fw_id", updatePackageInfo.mFirmwareId);
linkedHashMap.put("mode", "2");
linkedHashMap.put("vk", generateVk2((LinkedHashMap) linkedHashMap.clone()));
linkedHashMap.put("cltp", "10");
linkedHashMap.put("cktp", this.internalBuilder.getParam("cktp"));
linkedHashMap.put("rtd", this.internalBuilder.getParam("rtd"));
linkedHashMap.put("chnl", this.internalBuilder.getParam("chnl"));
return linkedHashMap;
def do_request(self, curef, fv, tv, fw_id):
url = "https://" + self.g2master + "/download_request.php"
params = OrderedDict()
params["id"] = self.serid
params["salt"] = self.get_salt()
params["curef"] = curef
params["fv"] = fv
params["tv"] = tv
params["type"] = self.ftype
params["fw_id"] = fw_id
params["mode"] = self.mode.value
params["vk"] = self.get_vk2(params, self.cltp.value)
params["cltp"] = self.cltp.value
params["cktp"] = self.cktp.value
params["rtd"] = self.rtd.value
if self.mode == self.MODE.FULL:
params["foot"] = 1
params["chnl"] = self.chnl.value
req = self.sess.post(url, data=params)
if req.status_code == 200:
req.encoding = "utf-8" # Force encoding as server doesn't give one
return req.text
print("REQUEST: " + repr(req))
raise SystemExit
def parse_request(xmlstr):
root = ElementTree.fromstring(xmlstr)
file = root.find("FILE_LIST").find("FILE")
fileid = file.find("FILE_ID").text
fileurl = file.find("DOWNLOAD_URL").text
slave_list = root.find("SLAVE_LIST").findall("SLAVE")
enc_list = root.find("SLAVE_LIST").findall("ENCRYPT_SLAVE")
slaves = [s.text for s in slave_list]
encslaves = [s.text for s in enc_list]
return fileid, fileurl, slaves, encslaves
def do_encrypt_header(self, encslave, address):
params = self.get_creds()
params[b"address"] = bytes(address, "utf-8")
url = "https://" + encslave + "/encrypt_header.php"
req = self.sess.post(url, data=params, verify=False)
# Expect "HTTP 206 Partial Content" response
if req.status_code == 206:
return req.content
print("ENCRYPT: " + repr(req))
raise SystemExit