mirror of https://github.com/mbirth/tcl_update_db.git synced 2024-09-20 01:03:26 +01:00

136 lines
5.2 KiB

document.addEventListener 'DOMContentLoaded', (event) ->
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ref = event.target.parentNode.dataset.ref
ver = event.target.innerText
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#console.log("Meta: %o", meta)
vermeta = meta['versions'][ver]
updateText = ''
if vermeta['FULL'].length > 0
fullmeta = vermeta['FULL'][0]
fullInfo = "✔️ (first released: #{fullmeta['published_first']})"
if fullmeta['note']['en']
updateText = fullmeta['note']['en']
updateText = updateText.replace /\n/g, '<br/>'
#updateText += '<br/><br/>'
fullInfo = ""
if vermeta['OTA'].length > 0
fromList = (v['fv'] for v in vermeta['OTA'])
fromList = fromList.join ', '
otaInfo = "✔️ (from #{fromList})"
otaInfo = ""
if vermeta['OTA_FROM'].length > 0
toList = (v['tv'] for v in vermeta['OTA_FROM'])
toList = toList.join ', '
updateInfo = "<strong>OTA possible to #{toList}</strong>"
updateInfo = "No OTA to future version."
tt_title.innerHTML = ver
tt_text.innerHTML = """
for #{ref}<br/>
FULL: #{fullInfo}<br/>
OTA: #{otaInfo}<br/>
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# Load metadata
metadata = {}
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()
xhr.open('GET', 'json_updatedetails.php', true);
xhr.onreadystatechange = ->
if xhr.readyState is 4 and xhr.status is 200
window.metadata = JSON.parse xhr.responseText
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showTooltip event
vi.addEventListener 'mouseout', (event) ->
document.querySelector('#tooltip').style.display = 'none'
snackbar = new mdc.snackbar.MDCSnackbar document.querySelector '.mdc-snackbar'
message: 'Update details loaded. Hover a version number to see details.'
timeout: 5000