After calling the script, my displays are showing the correct workspaces.
To configure dual-head system-wide (for Desktop computers), there is a great manual at [UbuntuForums](
1. Use `xrandr -q` to get the output device's names (for me it was `VGA-0` and `DVI-0`)
1. open the `/etc/X11/xorg.conf` in your favorite editor
1. find the section `Device` and add 2 lines so that it looks like this:
Section "Device"
Identifier "Configured Video Device"
Option "monitor-VGA-0" "right"
Option "monitor-DVI-0" "left"
1. The device names have to be prefixed with `monitor-`. The names after that are for you to choose.
1. find the `Monitor` section and change the identifier to one of the names. (e.g. `right`)
1. add another `Monitor` section below and change the identifier to the other name. (`left`) Also add the
line `Option "LeftOf" "right"` in between.
1. now the both monitor sections should look like this:
Section "Monitor"
Identifier "right"
Section "Monitor"
Identifier "left"
Option "LeftOf" "right"
1. find the `Screen` section and add the following line to define the default display.
Monitor "right"
1. add a `SubSection "Display"` and the `Virtual` line as with the per-user configuration