There are some hidden options which you have to enable via modifying some file.
(see [here](
and [here](
Enable a feature
For this you have to have [ssh-access]({% post_url 2009-04-26-ssh-access %}) enabled!!
1.`ssh` into the iPhone (remember: the `root`-password is **`alpine`**)
1.`cd` to `/System/Library/CoreServices/`
1. run this command: `plutil -c xml1 M68AP.plist` (this will convert the binary-XML to plaintext)
1. now use `nano`, `mcedit` or `vim` to edit the file
1. find the **capabilites** dictionary right at the top of the file
1. add the following two key/value-pair:
{% highlight xml %}
{% endhighlight %}
1. save the file
1. run `plutil -c binary1 M68AP.plist` to convert the file back into binary-XML format
1. logout
1. reboot(=respring) the iPhone
Features Explained
This will add a new settings menu below *General* (right below *International*). It is empty on iPhone 3G.
This will enable a new setting under *General* → *Usage* to enable a percentage field left of the battery icon.
This will enable a new photo <=> video switch in the camera interface.
Enabling this feature will make the camera **unusable**! You won't be able to take normal photos with this feature enabled. (as of BETA 5)
This will add a new settings menu below *General* → *International*. It is empty on iPhone 3G.
More Features
In the file `/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/GraphicsServices.framework/GraphicsServices` there are various more feature codes listed - here's a screendump: