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2015-04-13 20:20:11 +01:00
# AutoHotkey
# http://www.autohotkey.com/
context default
keyword wholeright #+ white black
keyword whole FileInstall white black
keyword whole Global yellow
keyword whole global yellow
keyword whole Local yellow
keyword whole local yellow
keyword whole Static yellow
keyword whole static yellow
keyword whole Break brightmagenta
keyword whole break brightmagenta
keyword whole Continue brightmagenta
keyword whole continue brightmagenta
keyword whole Gosub brightmagenta
keyword whole GoSub brightmagenta
keyword whole If brightmagenta
keyword whole IfEqual brightmagenta
keyword whole IfExist brightmagenta
keyword whole IfGreater brightmagenta
keyword whole IfInString brightmagenta
keyword whole IfMsgBox brightmagenta
keyword whole IfNotEqual brightmagenta
keyword whole IfNotExist brightmagenta
keyword whole IfNotInString brightmagenta
keyword whole IfWinExist brightmagenta
keyword whole IfWinNotActive brightmagenta
keyword whole Else brightmagenta
keyword whole Exit brightmagenta
keyword whole ExitApp brightmagenta
keyword whole Goto brightmagenta
keyword whole Loop brightmagenta
keyword whole OnExit brightmagenta
keyword whole Return brightmagenta
keyword whole return brightmagenta
keyword whole Sleep brightmagenta
keyword whole SetTimer brightmagenta
keyword whole Suspend brightmagenta
keyword whole Control yellow
keyword whole ControlClick yellow
keyword whole ControlGet yellow
keyword whole ControlGetText yellow
keyword whole ControlSetText yellow
keyword whole CoordMode yellow
keyword whole DetectHiddenWindows yellow
keyword whole DllCall yellow
keyword whole EnvGet yellow
keyword whole EnvSet yellow
keyword whole EnvSub yellow
keyword whole FileAppend yellow
keyword whole FileCopy yellow
keyword whole FileCreateDir yellow
keyword whole FileDelete yellow
keyword whole FileExist yellow
keyword whole FileGetAttrib yellow
keyword whole FileGetSize yellow
keyword whole FileGetTime yellow
keyword whole FileGetVersion yellow
keyword whole FileMove yellow
keyword whole FileRead yellow
keyword whole FileRemoveDir yellow
keyword whole FileSelectFile yellow
keyword whole FileSelectFolder yellow
keyword whole FileSetAttrib yellow
keyword whole FileSetTime yellow
keyword whole FormatTime yellow
keyword whole GetKeyState yellow
keyword whole Gui yellow
keyword whole GuiControl yellow
keyword whole GuiControlGet yellow
keyword whole Hotkey yellow
keyword whole IniDelete yellow
keyword whole IniRead yellow
keyword whole IniWrite yellow
keyword whole InStr yellow
keyword whole Menu yellow
keyword whole MouseGetPos yellow
keyword whole MsgBox yellow
keyword whole Process yellow
keyword whole Progress yellow
keyword whole RegDelete yellow
keyword whole RegRead yellow
keyword whole RegWrite yellow
keyword whole Round yellow
keyword whole Run yellow
keyword whole RunWait yellow
keyword whole Send yellow
keyword whole SendRaw yellow
keyword whole SetBatchLines yellow
keyword whole SetFormat yellow
keyword whole SetWinDelay yellow
keyword whole SetWorkingDir yellow
keyword whole Shutdown yellow
keyword whole Sort yellow
keyword whole SplashImage yellow
keyword whole SplitPath yellow
keyword whole StringGetPos yellow
keyword whole StringLeft yellow
keyword whole StringMid yellow
keyword whole StringRight yellow
keyword whole StringLen yellow
keyword whole StringLower yellow
keyword whole StringReplace yellow
keyword whole StringSplit yellow
keyword whole StringTrimLeft yellow
keyword whole StringTrimRight yellow
keyword whole StrLen yellow
keyword whole SubStr yellow
keyword whole Tooltip yellow
keyword whole ToolTip yellow
keyword whole TrayTip yellow
keyword whole VarSetCapacity yellow
keyword whole WinActivate yellow
keyword whole WinClose yellow
keyword whole WinExist yellow
keyword whole WinGet yellow
keyword whole WinGetActiveTitle yellow
keyword whole WinGetClass yellow
keyword whole WinGetPos yellow
keyword whole WinGetTitle yellow
keyword whole WinSet yellow
keyword whole WinWait yellow
keyword whole WinWaitClose yellow
keyword whole A_AhkPath white
keyword whole A_CaretX white
keyword whole A_CaretY white
keyword whole A_EventInfo white
keyword whole A_GuiControl white
keyword whole A_GuiControlEvent white
keyword whole A_GuiEvent white
keyword whole A_Index white
keyword whole A_IsCompiled white
keyword whole A_Language white
keyword whole A_LoopField white
keyword whole A_LoopFileDir white
keyword whole A_LoopFileFullPath white
keyword whole A_LoopFileLongPath white
keyword whole A_LoopFileName white
keyword whole A_LoopReadLine white
keyword whole A_LoopRegName white
keyword whole A_LoopRegType white
keyword whole A_OSVersion white
keyword whole A_ScreenHeight white
keyword whole A_ScreenWidth white
keyword whole A_ScriptDir white
keyword whole A_ScriptFullPath white
keyword whole A_ThisHotkey white
keyword whole A_ThisHotKey white
keyword whole A_TickCount white
keyword whole AutoHotkey_Path white
keyword whole ErrorLevel white
keyword %+% brightgreen
keyword linestart *:: brightgreen black
keyword linestart +: brightblue black
keyword > white
keyword < white
keyword \+ white
keyword - white
keyword \* white
keyword / white
keyword = white
keyword <> white
keyword == white
keyword & white
keyword | white
keyword := white
keyword whole and white
keyword whole or white
keyword { brightcyan
keyword } brightcyan
keyword ( brightcyan
keyword ) brightcyan
keyword , brightcyan
keyword /\* brown
keyword \*/ brown
context ; \n brown
context exclusive /\* \*/ brown
context " " green
#context ' ' green
# spellcheck