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synced 2025-02-18 06:53:14 +00:00
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154 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import json
import re
import sys
class JSDocGen:
def __init__( self, apifile, prefix ):
self.jsonfile = apifile
self.indent = 0
self.indentstring = " "
jf = open( apifile, "r" )
self.json = json.load( jf )
self.parse( self.json, prefix, True )
def p( self, str, end=None ):
indent = self.indentstring * self.indent
print( indent + str, end=end )
def getTypeExample( self, type ):
if type == "string":
return "''"
elif type == "boolean" or type == "bool":
return "true"
elif type == "Object" or type == "object":
return "new Object()"
elif type == "list":
return "[]"
elif type == "double":
return "0.0"
return "0" # default to int
def parseProperty( self, name, obj, isLast ):
self.p( "/**" )
if "description" in obj:
self.p( " * %s" % obj["description"] )
if "type" in obj:
type = obj["type"]
type = "undefined"
if name == name.upper():
self.p( " * @constant" )
self.p( " * @final" )
if "since" in obj:
self.p( " * @since %s" % obj["since"] )
self.p( " */" )
dummyvalue = self.getTypeExample( type )
self.p( "%s: %s" % ( name, dummyvalue ), end="" )
if not isLast:
print( "," ) # we don't want indentation here
print() # we don't want indentation here
def getJSType( self, type ):
if type == "string" or type == "String":
return "String"
elif type == "bool" or type == "boolean":
return "bool"
elif type == "int" or type == "integer":
return "int"
elif type == "double":
return "double"
elif type == "list" or type == "array":
return "Array"
elif type == "method" or type == "function":
return "Function"
elif type == "object" or type == "args" or type == "options" or type == "Object" or type == "hash":
return "Object"
elif type == "contact":
return "Titanium.Contacts.Contact"
print( "WARNING: Type %s may be no valid JavaScript type." % type, file=sys.stderr )
return type
def parseMethod( self, name, obj, isLast ):
self.p( "/**" )
if "description" in obj:
self.p( " * %s" % obj["description"] )
args = []
if "arguments" in obj:
for a in obj["arguments"]:
self.p( " * @param %s (%s) %s" % ( a["name"], self.getJSType( a["type"] ), a["description"] ) )
args.append( a["name"] )
args = ", ".join( args )
if "returns" in obj and obj["returns"] is not None:
self.p( " * @return (%s) %s" % ( self.getJSType( obj["returns"]["type"] ), obj["returns"]["description"] ) )
self.p( " */" )
self.p( "%s: function(%s) { }" % ( name, args ), end="" )
#self.p( "}", end="" )
if not isLast:
print( "," ) # we don't want indentation here
print() # we don't want indentation here
def cleanObject( self, obj ):
for k in [ "deprecated", "description", "name", "object", "platforms", "property", "since", "method", "arguments", "returns" ]:
if k in obj:
del obj[k]
return obj
def parseObject( self, name, obj, isLast ):
obj = self.cleanObject( obj ) # remove all properties which do not belong to the object
if name == "Titanium":
self.p( "%s = {" % ( name ) ) # root element
self.p( "%s: {" % ( name ) )
self.indent += 1
subitems = len( obj )
ctr = 0
for subname, sub in obj.items():
ctr += 1
lastone = False
if ( ctr == subitems ):
lastone = True
self.parse( sub, subname, lastone )
self.indent -= 1
self.p( "}", end="" )
if isLast and self.indent == 0:
print( ";" ) # we don't want indentation here
print( "Ti = Titanium;" ) # copy object to alias
elif not isLast:
print( "," ) # we don't want indentation here
print() # do newline only
def parse( self, jsonobj, name, isLast ):
if "property" in jsonobj or "method" in jsonobj and not "object" in jsonobj:
if "property" in jsonobj and jsonobj["property"]:
# Property / Constant
self.parseProperty( name, jsonobj, isLast )
elif "method" in jsonobj and jsonobj["method"]:
# Function / Method
self.parseMethod( name, jsonobj, isLast )
print( "!!! UNKNOWN TYPE for %s !!!" % name, file=sys.stderr )
# Object
self.parseObject( name, jsonobj, isLast )
if __name__=="__main__":
jsd = JSDocGen( "apicoverage.json", "Titanium" )