diff --git a/know-how/development/_posts/2016-04-08-tools-i-should-use-more-often.md b/know-how/development/_posts/2016-04-08-tools-i-should-use-more-often.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..89988a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/know-how/development/_posts/2016-04-08-tools-i-should-use-more-often.md @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +--- +title: Tools I should use more often +language: en +layout: default +created: 2016-04-08 22:38:47 +0200 +updated: 2016-04-08 22:38:47 +0200 +toc: false +tags: + - know-how + - development + - tools + - helpers +--- +I often come across useful little tools where I think, I should try them later. +But this "later" never happens… + +This should become a place where I collect these tools with reasons why I should +*really* try them. + + +* [Liquid Prompt](https://github.com/nojhan/liquidprompt) --- a useful adaptive prompt for Bash & zsh + * [Liquid Prompt for FiSh](https://github.com/nojhan/liquidprompt/pull/230) --- Pull request for liquidprompt with support for FiSh + * [angel-PS1](https://github.com/dolmen/angel-PS1) --- The Angel's Prompt, inspired by liquidprompt, compatible with bash, zsh, mksh, dash, ksh93, tchs and fish + * [powerline-shell](https://github.com/milkbikis/powerline-shell) --- a beautiful and useful prompt for your shell (bash, zsh, fish) + * [powerline](https://github.com/powerline/powerline) --- statusline plugin for vim, zsh, bash, tmux, IPython, Awesome, i3 and Qtile +* [transfer.sh](https://github.com/dutchcoders/transfer.sh) --- web service to easily share files from the CLI using curl +* [maybe](https://github.com/p-e-w/maybe) --- runs a command and shows what changes it would make to the filesystem while preventing those changes +* [betty](https://github.com/pickhardt/betty) --- friendly English-like interface for your command line, e.g. `betty find me all files that contain california` +* [httpie](https://github.com/jkbrzt/httpie) --- a CLI, cURL-like tool for humans, can pretty-print JSON answers from web services and much more +* [grc](https://github.com/garabik/grc) --- generic colouriser, can colour output from various tools, like ping, netstat, ps, tail, etc. +* [brotli](https://github.com/google/brotli) --- compression format +* [Open Location Code](https://github.com/google/open-location-code) --- compact way of specifying coordinates, supported by Google Maps +* [The Fuck](https://github.com/nvbn/thefuck) --- if you had a typo in your command, just type `fuck` and it'll do its best to come up with the correct command. +* [fu](https://github.com/samirahmed/fu) --- a simple CLI utility for querying commandlinefu.com + * [bro](https://github.com/hubsmoke/bro) --- a simple CLI utility for querying bropages.org +* [devtodo2](https://github.com/alecthomas/devtodo2) --- command-line task management utility + + +Cool tools I already use +======================== + +* [aria2](https://github.com/tatsuhiro-t/aria2) --- multi-protocol, cross-platform download tool +* [fish-shell](https://github.com/fish-shell/fish-shell) --- friendly interactive shell +* [glances](https://github.com/nicolargo/glances) --- An eye on your system, htop+df+iotop+iftop and more +* [Guake](https://github.com/Guake/guake) --- drop-down terminal for Gnome