--- created: 2008-12-31 00:48:23 +0100 layout: redirect layout_old: default redirect_to: https://blog.mbirth.de/archives/2008/12/31/rhythmbox-and-sansa.html tags: - know-how - hardware - sandisk - sansa - fuze - rhythmbox title: Rhythmbox and Sansa toc: false updated: 2010-02-21 13:14:26 +0100 --- To work with the FUSE in Rhythmbox, you have two choices: **MTP** mode or **MSC** mode. The MTP mode is the *Media Transfer Protocol* which the Windows Media Player uses. There's a plugin for Rhythmbox which lets the player show up and you are able to manage the player from there. The MSC mode is *Mass Storage Class* mode which brings up the player like any other USB stick or external harddrive. Rhythmbox won't recognize it as a player in this mode but you can force it by creating a file `.is_audio_player` in the root of your Sansa. Make sure to put following contents into that file: ~~~ audio_folders=MUSIC/,PODCASTS/,AUDIOBOOKS/ output_formats=application/ogg,audio/mpeg,audio/flac,audio/x-ms-wma,audio/aac,audio/mp4,audio/audible input_formats=application/ogg,audio/mpeg,audio/flac,audio/x-ms-wma,audio/aac,audio/mp4,audio/audible folder_depth=1 playlist_path=PLAYLISTS/%File playlist_format=audio/x-iriver-pla ~~~ The `audio_folders` tells Rhythmbox where to put music files. Without that line all songs will be put under the root and thus the player won't recognize them. The `output_formats` describes all formats the player can **create**, i.e. by the internal recording feature. The `input_formats` describes all formats the player recognizes so that Rhythmbox can decide whether to transcode a file or not. `folder_depth` influences the directory structure Rhythmbox creates. A `folder_depth` of **2** creates a `Artist/Album/Song.mp3` structure. A **1** creates a `Artist - Album/Song.mp3` (which is what I prefer) and, I guess, a **0** doesn't create any folder but just puts the files into the `MUSIC/` directory. The `playlist_path` and `playlist_format` describe the location for playlists and what format the player supports. (I'm not sure whether the FUZE supports `audio/x-mpegurl` format.) The file `/usr/share/hal/fdi/information/10freedesktop/10-usb-music-players.fdi` lists the options usually set for FUZE players. Just search for the string "Fuze". But I guess the PnP-ID of the newer models isn't in that XML file. *[MTP]: Media Transfer Protocol *[MSC]: Mass Storage device Class *[FUSE]: Filesystem in Userspace