--- created: 2008-08-11 01:23:00 +0200 layout: redirect layout_old: default redirect_to: https://blog.mbirth.de/archives/2008/08/11/windows-license-keys.html tags: - know-how - software - windows title: Windows License keys toc: false updated: 2009-06-05 12:33:39 +0200 --- At [My Digital Life](http://www.mydigitallife.info/2007/04/24/search-for-genuine-and-free-windows-product-keys-online-with-google/) you can read about [Belarc Advisor](http://www.belarc.com/free_download.html) spreading Windows license keys. Advisor is a system profiler which also includes the Windows key in its reports. Users posting them to the Internet also publish their Windows key. A common string of Advisor reports is "*Belarc Advisor Current Profile*". Together with the desired Windows version you can easily find license keys: This also works with [EVEREST](http://www.lavalys.com/):