--- title: iphoneOS Hidden Features layout: default created: 2009-06-20 21:18:27 +0200 updated: 2009-06-20 21:19:17 +0200 toc: false tags: - know-how - hardware - apple - iphone - features --- There are some hidden options which you have to enable via modifying some file. (see [here](http://www.funkyspacemonkey.com/iphone-os-30-episode-iii-howto-enable-battery-percentage-toggle-settings) and [here](http://www.funkyspacemonkey.com/iphone-os-30-episode-iihowto-enable-videorecording-interface-iphone-2g3g).) Enable a feature ================ For this you have to have [ssh-access]({% post_url 2009-04-26-ssh-access %}) enabled!! 1. `ssh` into the iPhone (remember: the `root`-password is **`alpine`**) 1. `cd` to `/System/Library/CoreServices/Springboard.app/` 1. run this command: `plutil -c xml1 M68AP.plist` (this will convert the binary-XML to plaintext) 1. now use `nano`, `mcedit` or `vim` to edit the file 1. find the **capabilites** dictionary right at the top of the file 1. add the following two key/value-pair: {% highlight xml %} gas-gauge-battery {% endhighlight %} 1. save the file 1. run `plutil -c binary1 M68AP.plist` to convert the file back into binary-XML format 1. logout 1. reboot(=respring) the iPhone Features Explained ================== accessibility ------------- This will add a new settings menu below *General* (right below *International*). It is empty on iPhone 3G. gas-gauge-battery ----------------- This will enable a new setting under *General* → *Usage* to enable a percentage field left of the battery icon. video-camera ------------ This will enable a new photo <=> video switch in the camera interface.

Enabling this feature will make the camera **unusable**! You won't be able to take normal photos with this feature enabled. (as of BETA 5)

voice-control ------------- This will add a new settings menu below *General* → *International*. It is empty on iPhone 3G. More Features ============= In the file `/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/GraphicsServices.framework/GraphicsServices` there are various more feature codes listed - here's a screendump: ~~~ ...device-name-localized...device-name.still-camera....cameraRestriction...telepho ny...sms.video-camera....auto-focus-camera...wifi....accelerometer...magnetometer. ...gps.location-services...microphone..opengles-1..opengles-2..volume-buttons..rin ger-switch...piezo-clicker...bluetooth...unified-ipod....youtube.youtubePlugin...g reen-tea...not-green-tea...international-settings..stand-alone-contacts....delay-s leep-for-headset-click...launch-applications-while-animating.load-thumbnails-while -scrolling.sensitive-ui....apple-internal-install..all-features....nike-ipod...app licationInstallation.voice-control...proximity-sensor....gas-gauge-battery...acces sibility...mms.encrypted-data-partition....encode-aac..fcc-logos-via-software..tel ephony-maximum-generation....hiccough-interval...application-display-identifiers.t v-out-settings.screen-dimensions...main-screen-width...main-screen-height..main-sc reen-scale...main-screen-orientation.explicitContentRestriction..volume-limit-rest riction....inAppPurchasesRestriction...enforce-shutter-click...enforce-googlemail. ~~~ Anyone tried `nike-ipod` or enabling the `magnetometer` on a 3G? Also what could `green-tea` be?