--- title: VirtualBox layout: default created: 2009-01-04 15:50:17 +0100 updated: 2009-07-17 23:14:13 +0200 toc: false tags: - know-how - software - virtualisation - oracle - virtualbox --- Compacting a disk image ======================= 1. overwrite empty blocks on the disk with zeroes. See below for applications. 1. run the VBoxManage tool like this:[^1] VBoxManage modifyhd compact Applications for overwriting empty blocks ========================================= Eraser (Windows) ---------------- [ [Homepage](http://eraser.heidi.ie/) ] Install as normal. Then go to *Edit* -> *Preferences* -> *Erasing...* and select the second Tab *Unused disk space*. Create a new method with one pass and a pattern of only zeroes. Now go to the "On Demand"-Tasks and create a new one with your local harddisks as target. Run it to perform erasing. SDelete (Windows, SysInternals) ------------------------------- [ [Homepage](http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb897443.aspx) ] Download and unpack. Run it like: sdelete -c C:\ dd (Linux) ---------- Use something like: dd if=/dev/zero of=/junk sync rm /junk This will create a large file with only zeroes and fill up the empty space on your hd. zerofree (Linux) ---------------- [ [Homepage](http://intgat.tigress.co.uk/rmy/uml/index.html) ] Install the [zerofree](apt://zerofree) package. Run it as the man page says.

Seems like *zerofree* only supports unmounted filesystems. For this to work you should boot into a recovery Linux inside your VM to clean the disk image.

sfill (Linux) ------------- Install the [secure-delete](apt://secure-delete) package. Run something like: sfill -z -l -l / Transparency-Bug in VBox 3.0 ============================ If you just installed VirtualBox 3.0 and noticed that you only see parts of Windows' titlebars and the icons but no text or backgrounds, try the following: Run VirtualBox like this: [Found here](http://webupd8.blogspot.com/2009/05/quick-tip-make-virtualbox-os-window-non.html) env XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS=1 VirtualBox [^1]: Older versions of VirtualBox used `modifyvdi` as first parameter. Also this feature is disabled in VBox 2.1.