--- title: Citrix ICAClient layout: default created: 2010-03-04 13:41:08 +0100 updated: 2010-03-04 14:22:24 +0100 toc: false tags: - know-how - software - linux - software - citrix - icaclient --- * **Download:** [citrix.com](http://www.citrix.com/English/ss/downloads/details.asp?downloadId=3323&productId=186) (preferably `.deb` format) This plugin will work with browsers which support Netscape compatible plugins, e.g. *Firefox* or *Opera*. SSL error 61 ============ This error means your certificate chain is broken or not "trusted". Get certificates ---------------- While the Windows clients download the certificates automatically, the Linux client doesn't. You will need access to a Windows running *Firefox* or talk to someone to get the required certificates. * Open Firefox (make sure you had at least one successful connection using the ICAClient) * go to menu *Tools* → *Options…* → *Advanced* → *Encryption* and click the button *View certificates* * click the *Servers* tab * find the certificate matching your desired Citrix server and select it (click once) * now click the *Export…* button, choose **X.509 certificate (DER)** as format and save it * click the *View…* button and notice the name under "Issued By" → "Common Name (CN)" then close the dialog * select the *Authorities* tab * search the list for the name you just saw, most times the group will have a similar name * export this certificate the same way as above (DER format) * view that certificate and check whether the "Issued By" → "Common Name (CN)" is different from the certificates name - if so: repeat the steps to also export this one * if all certificates are exported, copy them to these locations: * the Root CA certificate (that one you exported last) goes to `/usr/lib/ICAClient/keystore/cacerts/` to make it a *trusted* certificate * all other go to `~/.ICAClient/keystore/cacerts/` * All done.