--- created: 2010-01-22 17:36:17 +0100 language: en layout: redirect layout_old: default redirect_to: https://blog.mbirth.de/archives/2010/01/22/compile-wx.net.html tags: - know-how - development - wx-net title: Compile wx.NET toc: false updated: 2010-01-22 17:48:52 +0100 --- * **Homepage:** *wx.NET* is a *wxWidgets*-wrapper for Mono. The compilation is not really straight-forward as one is used to. 1. download the [wx.NET-...-Source.tgz](http://sourceforge.net/projects/wxnet/files/) file and unpack it into a folder 1. make sure you have the following packages installed (as of Ubuntu *Karmic*): [libwxgtk2.6-dev](apt://libwxgtk2.6-dev), [mono-mcs](apt://mono-mcs), [libmono-system-data1.0-cil](apt://libmono-system-data1.0-cil) and maybe some more, but these few were missing from my all-i-needed install 1. go to `Build/Linux` and rename the file `Defs.in.template` to `Defs.in` 1. edit that file and do the following changes: (Leave the rest as it is.) INCLUDE_STC = no # WXW_SOURCE_DIR = $(HOME)/packages/wx-widgets-2.6.4 WXW_INSTALL_DIR= /usr 1. go to `Build/Common` and edit the file `wx-config-helper`: Comment out line #241 so that it looks like this: # SDie("output of '$wx_cmd' did not contain a -L/path/to/wx-widgets/lib/directory flag; are you sure wxWidgets has been built?") if ($wx_out !~ m#-L/#); 1. now go back to `Build/Linux` and run: make wxnet-core 1. find your library in `Bin/wx.NET.dll`