--- created: 2010-01-13 02:13:02 +0100 layout: redirect layout_old: default redirect_to: https://blog.mbirth.de/archives/2010/01/13/shameless-rip-off-by-pc-doctors.com.html tags: - know-how - hacking - hardware - bios - passwords - ripoff - copycat title: Shameless Rip-Off by pc-doctors.com toc: false updated: 2010-04-02 00:27:30 +0200 --- I recently found some of my manuals to remove BIOS passwords in a very familiar design on a [totally foreign site](http://www.pc-doctors.com/other/free-info/): This page is from 2006. Now take a look at my old homepage: I have SVN logs going back till December 2004 where I have started working on these pages. Also all pages behind the links are 1:1 copies of my contents - just with another background and text color. Being confronted with the facts, *Roger Brehm* played dumb and said he got that info from one of his "techs", then he tried to shit me about my photos being b&w and his being colored (a filter in my CSS which only kicked in if you were surfing my site with Internet Explorer) and a missing copyright information on my pages. As if this would give him the right to copy everything and publish it under his name. Of course, he didn't even put a link to my site on his pages. Not even after I asked him to do so. If anyone wants to pay him a "nice" visit ... [Google him](http://google.com/search?q="Roger+Brehm"+hampton)

**UPDATE:** Looks like those pages are offline for now. You can still catch a view from the [Google Cache](http://google.com/search?q=cache%3Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.theonlypcdoctor.com%2Fother%2Ffree-info%2Findex.htm).

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