--- created: 2010-05-08 12:47:47 +0200 language: en layout: redirect layout_old: default redirect_to: https://blog.mbirth.de/archives/2010/05/08/usbloader-gx-for-the-wii.html tags: - know-how - hacking - hardware - nintendo - wii title: USBLoader GX for the Wii toc: false updated: 2010-05-08 12:47:47 +0200 --- * **Homepage:** Foreign games settings ====================== (for PAL TVs) * If the game appears all in red, activate the *VidMode: AutoPatch* setting. * If `Error #02` appears, activate the *Error 02 Fix* * If you only see a black screen after launching the game, make sure, the Game is not Japanese- or English-only. If so, change the *Game language* setting to match that of the game. (Some games don't have a fall-back setting for their language, so they will crash if the Wii is set to another language than supported.)