--- created: 2009-04-20 22:07:23 +0200 layout: redirect layout_old: default redirect_to: https://blog.mbirth.de/archives/2009/04/20/develop-ios-apps.html tags: - know-how - hardware - apple - iphone - development title: Develop iOS Apps toc: false updated: 2010-04-02 18:07:54 +0200 --- real Apps ========= * XCode * [appcelerator](http://appcelerator.com/) (write in JavaScript, but gets natively compiled to standalone apps) * currently my weapon of choice for iPhone+Android development, needs a Mac with XCode though for the iPhone part * see [appcelerator Titanium Framework]({% post_url 2010-06-08-appcelerator-titanium %}) Pseudo-Apps =========== *Pseudo-Apps* is what I call the apps which are actually a bunch of HTML pages with JavaScript and some JavaScript-API for accessing the iPhone internal features. These open in a WebKit-control so that they are basically some spiced up websites. * [PhoneGAP](http://phonegap.com/) (HTML/JavaScript/CSS, gets compiled and can be offered through AppStore; standalone apps) * [nachbaur.com](http://blog.nachbaur.com/2009/04/native-ui-controls-in-phonegap-coming.html) native UI controls in PhoneGap * [Big Five](http://www.big5apps.com/) (HTML/JavaScript/CSS, runs off the web → slow when switching pages, needs Big5-Launcher) Web-Apps ======== * [iUI](http://joehewitt.com/files/iphone/navigation.html) iPhone navigation emulated using JavaScript and CSS ([Google Code project](http://code.google.com/p/iui/)) * [CiUI](http://www.clientcide.com/cnet-js-standards/ciui-cnet-iphone-ui/) similar to iUI * [Moousture](http://neofreeman.freepgs.com/Moousture/iphone.html) finger-gesture control