--- created: 2008-07-15 00:18:52 +0200 language: en layout: redirect layout_old: default redirect_to: https://blog.mbirth.de/archives/2008/07/15/lighten-up-whitespace-characters.html tags: - know-how - software - ezpublish title: Lighten up whitespace characters toc: false updated: 2013-03-16 17:26:35 +0100 --- If you enable the checkbox *Show whitespace characters* under General → Editors → Text Editors, the characters are a bit too offensive. Sadly, there's no option to change the transparency of them. The default (and fixed) value is `64h`/`FFh` = `100d`/`255d` (ca. 40% visible / 60% transparency). You can only change the value using a hex-editor: * open the file `org.eclipse.jface.text_3.3.1r331_v20070629.jar` in the plugins folder of Eclipse using an archiver (e.g. Total Commander) * unpack the contained file `WhitespaceCharacterPainter.class` out of `/org/eclipse/jface/text/` * open that file in a hex-editor (e.g. Hex-Workshop, XVI32) * jump to the location `0x1769` and find the following lines: 001750: 0a 2a b4 01 1f b6 01 3c 36 0a 2a b4 01 1d 99 00 001760: 21 2b b6 01 4e 36 0b 2b 10>6400112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF `33h` would be 80% transparency and is a nice value. After saving your changes, put the file back into the .jar and run Eclipse.