--- created: 2009-06-21 12:01:38 +0200 layout: redirect layout_old: default redirect_to: https://blog.mbirth.de/archives/2009/06/21/midnight-commander-mc.html tags: - know-how - software - linux title: Midnight Commander (mc) toc: false updated: 2010-01-22 18:06:36 +0100 --- Open drop-down box ================== To open a drop-down box (like those on the *FTP linkā€¦* dialog), press Alt+H. ZIP contents not shown ====================== The later versions of `unzip` have a slightly different output format but the `uzip`-module still expects the old one. To fix this, edit the file `/usr/share/mc/extfs/uzip` (as *root*) and change the line {% highlight perl %} # Set this to 1 if zipinfo (unzip -Z) is to be used (recommended), otherwise 0. my $op_has_zipinfo = 0; {% endhighlight %} to {% highlight perl %} # Set this to 1 if zipinfo (unzip -Z) is to be used (recommended), otherwise 0. my $op_has_zipinfo = 1; {% endhighlight %} Highlighter =========== * [autohotkey.syntax]({{ site.url }}/assets/autohotkey.syntax) --- *AutoHotkey* scripts (Windows program!) * [eztemplate.syntax]({{ site.url }}/assets/eztemplate.syntax) --- *eZ Publish* TPL files Download the above files to `~/.mc/cedit` and add the following definitions (as needed) to `~/.mc/cedit/Syntax`. If you don't have this file, copy it from `/usr/share/mc/syntax/` first. ~~~ file ..\*\\.ahk$ AutoHotkey\sFile include autohotkey.syntax file ..\*\\.(tpl|TPL)$ eZPublish\sTemplate include eztemplate.syntax ~~~ *[FTP]: File Transfer Protocol