--- created: 2016-12-12 17:04:02 +0100 layout: redirect layout_old: default redirect_to: https://blog.mbirth.de/archives/2016/12/12/outlook-2016-with-exchange-2007.html tags: - know-how - software - windows - outlook - exchange title: Outlook 2016 with Exchange 2007 toc: false updated: 2016-12-12 17:04:02 +0100 --- In Outlook 2016, you can't setup an account from an Exchange 2007 server without having autodiscover setup correctly. The *Manual Setup* only offers "Exchange ActiveSync" which doesn't work with the 2007 Exchange. (The working method is named "Microsoft Exchange".) Usually, for an email address `account@example.org`, Outlook 2016 will look for `https://autodiscover.example.org/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml`. If that DNS entry isn't configured or there's no `autodiscover.xml` at that address, the account setup in Outlook will fail. However, there are [a few ways](https://www.howto-outlook.com/howto/autodiscoverconfiguration.htm) to override where Outlook is looking for that XML. The probably easiest one is by adding a registry key to point to a local file containing the actual path to the desired `autodiscover.xml`. So, let's say, you can reach OWA via `https://mail.example.org/owa/`, then the `autodiscover.xml` is `https://mail.example.org/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml`. And you're trying to add an email address `john@company.com` which is managed by that Exchange 2007 (and you can login to OWA just fine). 1. Create a file `C:\autodiscover.xml` with the following contents: email redirectUrl https://mail.example.org/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml 2. Open **regedit** and navigate to the path `HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook\AutoDiscover` 3. Add a new *String* (REG_SZ), name it `company.com` (the part after the `@` in your mail address) and assign the value `C:\autodiscover.xml` to it. 4. Done. Now open Outlook 2016 and add your account. It should work now. *[OWA]: Outlook Web Access