--- title: Bazaar (bzr) language: en layout: default created: 2008-07-31 22:32:29 +0200 updated: 2008-08-01 00:41:36 +0200 toc: false tags: - know-how - development - dvcs - bazaar --- Bazaar is a distributed versioning system. **Homepage:** **Tutorial:** [Bazaar in five minutes](http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.dev/en/mini-tutorial/index.html), [Bazaar User Guide](http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.dev/en/user-guide/index.html) Most used commands ================== Create local branch ------------------- bzr init bzr add file1 file2 fileN bzr commit -m "Initial import" Create local repo ----------------- bzr init-repo bzr init trunk bzr init branches bzr init tags Copy remote repo ---------------- bzr branch bzr://path/to/repo This copies the branch to your local directory. The two repos are still independent. Convert to checkout ------------------- bzr bind bzr://path/to/repo Connects to that repository so commits are always made on both repos unless the `--local` parameter is given. Local commits can be merged later by `bzr update` followed by `bzr commit`. `unbind` removes the connection with the parent repo. Import SVN dump file ==================== To import a Subversion dump, use [svn2bzr.py](http://bazaar-vcs.org/svn2bzr) (or at [LaunchPad](https://launchpad.net/svn2bzr)). You will mostly just convert the dumpfile to a big bzr-repo: svn2bzr.py svn.dump bzr/ You can then push the repo to the central repo by issuing bzr push bzr/ bzr://path/to/central/repo