--- title: Partition Numbering layout: default created: 2008-08-07 22:13:23 +0200 updated: 2008-08-07 22:13:23 +0200 toc: false tags: - know-how - software - linux - hdd - partitioning --- After removal of the first primary partition, you might notice, that the names of the remaining partitions didn't change. ˋ/dev/sda2ˋ stays ˋ/dev/sda2ˋ. To renumber the partition, use ˋfdiskˋ and create a new primary partition no. 1 which is located behind ˋsda2ˋ. You might want to delete your swap partition, create a new one in partition slot no. 1. Now enter the expert menu of fdisk and type f to fix the partition table. The partitions will be renumbered according to their position on disk. After that delete the temporary partition and re-create your swap. Don't forget to write the new partition table to disk. Afterwards, update your ˋ/boot/grub/menu.lstˋ, maybe ˋ/etc/fstabˋ and do a ˋgrub-installˋ.