/** * @package Titanium * @namespace Global Titanium namespace */ Titanium = { /** * Titanium platform name property. For iPhone, the value is 'iphone' (regardless of version). For Android, the value is 'android'. * @since 0.4 */ 'platform': 'iphone', /** * Titanium platform version property. This is the version/build of the Titanium Mobile SDK you're using. * @since 0.4 */ 'version': '0.8.0' }; /** * @package Titanium * @subpackage Platform */ Titanium.Platform = { /** * IP address if any. [read-only] * The primary IP address of the system. * @since 0.4 */ 'address': '', /** * CPU description [read-only] * The operating system architecture. * @since 0.4 */ 'architecture': 'i386', /** * Available memory as reported by the VM. [read-only] * Memory availible on the system. * @since 0.4 */ 'availableMemory': 1243.93359375, /** * Display metrics. [read-only] * Array containing keys: width, height, density, dpi. * @since 0.8 */ 'displayCaps': { 'width': 320, 'height': 480, 'density': 'low', 'dpi': 160 }, /** * Device identifier [read-only] * The unique machine id of the system. * @since 0.4 */ 'id': '00000000-0000-1000-8000-DEADCAFEBABE', /** * MAC address if any. [read-only] * The primary MAC address of the system. * @since 0.4 */ 'macaddress': 'DE:AD:CA:FE:BA:BE', /** * Model identifier of the device [read-only] * The model name of the device. * @since 0.4 */ 'model': 'Simulator', /** * Platform name [read-only] * The operating system name. * @since 0.4 */ 'name': 'iPhone OS', /** * OS type [read-only] * The architecture type of the system (either 32 bit or 64 bit). * @since 0.4 */ 'ostype': '32bit', /** * Number of processors as reported by device. [read-only] * The number of processors for the machine. * @since 0.4 */ 'processorCount': 1, /** * Name of user. [read-only] * The platform's user name. * @since 0.4 */ 'username': 'iPhone Simulator', /** * Platform version information [read-only] * The operating system version. * @since 0.4 */ 'version': '3.0', /** * Creates a globally unique id */ 'createUUID': function() { }, /** * A developer helper method to see installed applications. This api will most likely be replaced in the future. It should not be used in production. * @deprecated * @since 0.4 */ 'logInstalledApplicationNames': function() { }, /** * Launch an Android application use the helper method {@link #logInstalledApplicationNames} to discover applications. * @param {String} app Android application name * @return {Boolean} true if application was launched. * @since 0.4 */ 'openApplication': function( app ) { }, /** * Launch the system browser * Opens a URL in the default system browser. * @param {String} url url to open * @return {Boolean} true if browser was launched * @since 0.4 */ 'openURL': function( url ) { } }; /** * @package Titanium * @subpackage Network */ Titanium.Network = { /** * The network connection is a LAN. * Indicates that there is an ethernet or wired network present. * @constant * @final * @since 0.4 */ 'NETWORK_LAN': 1, /** * The network connection is Mobile. * Indicates that there is either an EDGE or 3G network present. * @constant * @final * @since 0.4 */ 'NETWORK_MOBILE': 2, /** * No network connection. * Indicates that there is no network present. * @constant * @final * @since 0.4 */ 'NETWORK_NONE': 0, /** * The network type is unknown. * Indicates that there is a network, but its nature is unknown. * @constant * @final * @since 0.4 */ 'NETWORK_UNKNOWN': -1, /** * The network connection is WIFI. * Indicates that there is a WiFi network present. * @constant * @final * @since 0.4 */ 'NETWORK_WIFI': 3, /** * The current network connection type. * The kind of network that the device is connected to. * @since 0.4 */ 'networkType': 0, /** * The current network connection type. * The human-readable name of kind of network that the device is connected to. * @since 0.4 */ 'networkTypeName': 'WiFi', /** * Examine connectivity state. * Whether or not the system is connected to the internet. * @since 0.4 */ 'online': true, /** * Not supported in android. Use addEventListener. * Adds a connectivity change listener that fires when the system connects or disconnects from the internet. * @since 0.4 */ 'addConnectivityListener': function() { }, /** * Register an event handler for connectivity events. * @param {String} eventName Must be 'connectivity'. Only event currently supported. * @param {function} listener function to receive notification of network connectivity changes. * @return {Number} an id used to remove the event listener. * @since 0.4 */ 'addEventListener': function( eventName, listener ) { }, /** * Create an HTTPClient object. * Creates an HTTPClient object. You can only create one HTTPClient object per window, * so if you want to do multiple requests you'll need to reuse the same instance. * Also, since the request is asynchronous, if you depend on the result of the first * call to use in the second, you'll need to chain the calls together so that they * happen in sequence. * @return {Titanium.Network.HTTPClient} the HTTP client * @since 0.4 */ 'createHTTPClient': function() { }, /** * URL Decode * Decodes a URI component. * @param {String} fragment The fragment to URL decode * @return {String} the decoded fragment * @since 0.4 */ 'decodeURIComponent': function( fragment ) { }, /** * URL Encode * Encodes a URI Component. * @param {String} fragment URL fragment to encode * @return {String} the encoded fragment * @since 0.4 */ 'encodeURIComponent': function( fragment ) { }, /** * Not supported in android. Use removeEventListener. * Removes a connectivity change listener. * @since 0.4 */ 'removeConnectivityListener': function() { }, /** * RemoveEventListener * @param {String} eventName The event name used to register for an event. * @param {Number} listenerId The id returned by addEventListener * @since 0.4 */ 'removeEventListener': function( eventName, listenerId ) { } }; /** * @package Titanium * @subpackage Network */ Titanium.Network.HTTPClient = { /** * Receive data as a blob a chunk at a time. * The handler function that will be fired as stream data is received from an HTTP request. * @since 0.7 */ 'ondatastream': null, /** * Set or get the error handler. * This error handler will not be called if the HTTP request succeeds but does not return * a 2xx status code. For catching and dealing with non-2xx HTTP status codes, use * Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.onload and Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.getStatus(). * @since 0.8 */ 'onerror': null, /** * Set or get the onload handler. * The handler function that will be fired when the ready-state code of an HTTPClient * object changes to ready state (DONE) * @since 0.7 */ 'onload': null, /** * Set or get the ready stage change handler. * The handler function that will be fired when the ready-state code of an HTTPClient * object changes. * @since 0.4 */ 'onreadystatechange': null, /** * Get the current ready state. * The ready-state status for the connection. * @since 0.4 */ 'readyState': 0, /** * Get the response as XML from the operation. * The response of an HTTP request as text. * @since 0.7 */ 'responseText': '', /** * Get the response as blob. * @since 0.7 */ 'responseXML': '', /** * Get the status code of the request. * The response status code of an HTTP request. * @since 0.4 */ 'status': 0, /** * Get the status text of the request. * @since 0.4 */ 'statusText': '', /** * Aborts an in progress connection. * @since 0.4 */ 'abort': function() { }, /** * Get all response headers. * @return Array headers * @since 0.4 */ 'getAllResponseHeaders': function() { return new Array(); }, /** * The state of the network operation. * @return int current operation state * @since 0.4 */ 'getReadyState': function() { return 0; }, /** * The response of an HTTP request as blob. * @return blob the response text * @since 0.7 */ 'getResponseData': function() { return ''; }, /** * Get the value of a response header. * Returns the value of a response header. * @param header (string) Name of header value to retrieve * @return string the value * @since 0.4 */ 'getResponseHeader': function( header ) { return ''; }, /** * The response of an HTTP request as text. * @return string the response text * @since 0.4 */ 'getResponseText': function() { return ''; }, /** * The response status code of an HTTP request. * @return int the response status code * @since 0.4 */ 'getStatus': function() { return 0; }, /** * The response status text of an HTTP Request. * @return string the response string * @since 0.4 */ 'getStatusText': function() { return ''; }, /** * Open an HTTP connection. * @param method (string) HTTP method (GET, POST, HEAD) * @param url (string) Url to perform method on * @since 0.4 */ 'open': function( method, url ) { }, /** * Send data through the HTTP connection. * @param data (string) zero or more data segments to transmit. * @since 0.4 */ 'send': function( data ) { }, /** * Set a function to be called when the ready state changes same as onreadystatechange property. * @param f (function) callback for ready state change events * @since 0.4 */ 'setOnReadyStateChange': function( f ) { }, /** * Set a request header for the connection. * @param name (string) header name * @param value (string) value to associate with header * @since 0.4 */ 'setRequestHeader': function( name, value ) { } }; /** * @package Titanium * @subpackage API */ Titanium.API = { /** * Log data at the CRITICAL level. * logs an object with severity "critical" * @param msg (string) Message to send to the console * @since 0.4 */ 'critical': function( msg ) { }, /** * Log data at the DEBUG level. * logs an object with severity "debug" * @param msg (string) Message to send to the console * @since 0.4 */ 'debug': function( msg ) { }, /** * Log data at the ERROR level. * logs an object with severity "error" * @param msg (string) Message to send to the console * @since 0.4 */ 'error': function( msg ) { }, /** * Log data at the FATAL level. * logs an object with severity "fatal" * @param msg (string) Message to send to the console * @since 0.4 */ 'fatal': function( msg ) { }, /** * Log data at the INFO level. * logs an object with severity "info" * @param msg (string) Message to send to the console * @since 0.4 */ 'info': function( msg ) { }, /** * Log data to the console. * writes information to the console log/STDERR * @param severity (int) Severity code from FATAL down to TRACE * @param msg (string) Message to send to the console * @since 0.4 */ 'log': function( severity, msg ) { }, /** * Log data at the NOTICE level. * logs an object with severity "notice" * @param msg (string) Message to send to the console * @since 0.4 */ 'notice': function( msg ) { }, /** * Log data at the TRACE level. * logs an object with severity "trace" * @param msg (string) Message to send to the console * @since 0.4 */ 'trace': function( msg ) { }, /** * Log data at the WARN level. * logs an object with severity "warn" * @param msg (string) Message to send to the console * @since 0.4 */ 'warn': function( msg ) { } }; /** * @package Titanium * @subpackage Accelerometer */ Titanium.Accelerometer = { /** * Listen for events from the accelerometer. * add an event listener to be called for a accelerometer event and returns the function to use when removing * @param eventName (string) The name of the event. This API supports 'update' events. * @param listener (function) Function that receives an event object on each update. * @return int id to pass to removeEventListener to cancel the event * @since 0.4 */ 'addEventListener': function( eventName, listener ) { return 0; }, /** * Remove a listener previously set with addEventListener. * removes an event listener from Accelerometer events. * @param eventName (string) Name of the event used to register in addEventListener * @param listenerId (int) Value returned from addEventListener * @since 0.4 */ 'removeEventListener': function( eventName, listenerId ) { } }; /** * @package Titanium * @subpackage Analytics */ Titanium.Analytics = { /** * Send an analytics event associated with the application. * @param {String} evtType event type * @param {String} evtName event name * @param {Object} [data] event data (optional) * @since 0.4 */ 'addEvent': function( evtType, evtName, data ) { }, /** * Send an application feature event. * @param event (string) name of the event * @param data (Object) data to send with the event (optional) * @since 0.7 */ 'featureEvent': function( event, data ) { }, /** * Send an application nav event. * @param from (string) The from string * @param to (string) The to string * @param event (string) name of the event (optional) * @param data (Object) data to send with the event (optional) * @since 0.7 */ 'navEvent': function( from, to, event, data ) { }, /** * Send an application settings event. * @param event (string) name of the event * @param data (Object) data to send with the event (optional) * @since 0.7 */ 'settingsEvent': function( event, data ) { }, /** * Send an application timed event. * @param event (string) name of the event * @param start (Date) Start date (optional) * @param stop (Date) End date (optional) * @param duration (string) duration in seconds (optional) * @param data (Object) data to send with the event (optional) * @since 0.7 */ 'timedEvent': function( event, start, stop, duration, data ) { }, /** * Send an application user event. * @param event (string) name of the event * @param data (Object) data to send with the event (optional) * @since 0.7 */ 'userEvent': function( event, data) { } }; /** * @package Titanium * @subpackage App */ Titanium.App = { /** * Get url for file under Resources. * get a full path from an application using app: URL * @param url (string) path portion of the url. * @return string full url including path. On Android this will normally prefix with file:///android_asset/ * @since 0.4 */ 'appURLToPath': function( url ) { return ''; }, /** * Not implemented yet. * get a dictionary of application launch arguments or null if none * @return Object empty object * @since 0.8 */ 'getArguments': function() { return new Object(); }, /** * Get application copyright. * get the application copyright * @return string application copyright as stored in tiapp.xml * @since 0.4 */ 'getCopyright': function() { return ''; }, /** * Get description of application. * get the application description * @return string description of application as stored in tiapp.xml * @since 0.4 */ 'getDescription': function() { return ''; }, /** * Get the application's globally unique id. * @return string global unique id as stored in tiapp.xml * @since 0.4 */ 'getGUID': function() { return ''; }, /** * Get the application id. * @return string the id as stored in tiapp.xml * @since 0.4 */ 'getID': function() { return ''; }, /** * Get the name of the application. * @return string the name as stored in tiapp.xml * @since 0.4 */ 'getName': function() { return ''; }, /** * Get the publisher. * get the application publisher * @return string the publisher name as stored in tiapp.xml * @since 0.4 */ 'getPublisher': function() { return ''; }, /** * Not implemented yet. * @param stream (string) deploytype (TBD) * @return string url for analytics * @since 0.4 */ 'getStreamURL': function( stream ) { return ''; }, /** * Get the url to application's external website. * @return string url to external website as stored in tiapp.xml * @since 0.4 */ 'getURL': function() { return ''; }, /** * Get the application version. * @return string the application version as stored in tiapp.xml * @since 0.4 */ 'getVersion': function() { return ''; }, /** * Used to control automatic execution of triggerLoad. * @param load (bool) if true, automatically call triggerLoad. * @since 0.4 */ 'setLoadOnPageEnd': function( load ) { }, /** * (Internal, Android only) Method to signal switching to the webView in the activity. * Normally called automatically when the page end event fires. * @since 0.4 */ 'triggerLoad': function() { } }; /** * @package Titanium * @subpackage App */ Titanium.App.Properties = { /** * Retrieve a boolean property. * get value as boolean * @param name (string) property name * @param def (bool) default value if no value set for key in name * @return bool property value or default * @since 0.4 */ 'getBool': function( name, def ) { return true; }, /** * Retrieve a double property. * get value as double * @param name (string) property name * @param def (double) default value if no value set for key in name * @return double property value or default * @since 0.4 */ 'getDouble': function( name, def ) { return 0.0; }, /** * Retrieve an integer property. * get value as integer * @param name (string) property name * @param def (int) default value if no value set for key in name * @return int property value or default * @since 0.4 */ 'getInt': function( name, def ) { return 0; }, /** * Retrieve a list. * get value as a list * @param name (string) property name * @param def (list) default value if no value set for key in name * @return list property value or default * @since 0.7 */ 'getList': function( name, def ) { return []; }, /** * Retrieve a string property. * get value as string * @param name (string) property name * @param def (string) default value if no value set for key in name * @return string property value or default * @since 0.4 */ 'getString': function( name, def ) { return ''; }, /** * Detect existence of a property. * check to see if a property exists * @param name (string) property name * @return bool true if property with 'name' exists. * @since 0.7 */ 'hasProperty': function( name ) { return true; }, /** * Retrieve a list of property names. * get a list of property values * @return list list of property names * @since 0.7 */ 'listProperties': function() { return []; }, /** * Remove a property. * @param name (string) property name * @since 0.7 */ 'removeProperty': function( name ) { }, /** * Store a boolean property. * @param name (string) property name * @param value (bool) property value * @since 0.4 */ 'setBool': function( name, value ) { }, /** * Store an integer property. * @param name (string) property name * @param value (int) property value * @since 0.4 */ 'setInt': function( name, value ) { }, /** * Store a list of JSON'able objects. * @param name (string) property name * @param value (list) value to store * @since 0.7 */ 'setList': function( name, value ) { }, /** * Store a string property. * @param name (string) property name * @param value (string) property value * @since 0.4 */ 'setString': function( name, value ) { } }; /** * @package Titanium * @subpackage App */ Titanium.App.SystemProperties = { /** * Retrieve a boolean property. * @param name (string) property name * @param def (bool) default value if no value set for key in name * @return bool property value or default * @since 0.4 */ 'getBool': function( name, def ) { return true; }, /** * Retrieve a double property. * @param name (string) property name * @param def (double) default value if no value set for key in name * @return double property value or default * @since 0.4 */ 'getDouble': function( name, def ) { return 0.0; }, /** * Retrieve an integer property. * @param name (string) property name * @param def (int) default value if no value set for key in name * @return int property value or default * @since 0.4 */ 'getInt': function( name, def ) { return 0; }, /** * ??? */ 'getList': function( name ) { }, /** * Retrieve a string property. * @param name (string) property name * @param def (string) default value if no value set for key in name * @return (string) property value or default * @since 0.4 */ 'getString': function( name, def ) { return ''; }, /** * Detect existence of a property. * @param name (string) property name * @return bool true if property with 'name' exists. * @since 0.7 */ 'hasProperty': function( name ) { return true; }, /** * Retrieve a list of property names. * @return list list of property names * @since 0.7 */ 'listProperties': function() { return []; }, /** * Store a boolean property. * @param name (string) property name * @param value (bool) property value * @since 0.4 */ 'setBool': function( name, value ) { }, /** * Store an integer property. * @param name (string) property name * @param value (int) property value * @since 0.4 */ 'setInt': function( name, value ) { }, /** * Store a list of JSON'able objects. * @param name (string) property name * @param value (list) value to store * @since 0.7 */ 'setList': function( name, value ) { }, /** * Store a string property. * @param name (string) property name * @param value (string) property value * @since 0.4 */ 'setString': function( name, value ) { } }; /** * @package Titanium * @subpackage Database */ Titanium.Database = { /** * Install and opens a database. * Install (if not already installed) and opens a database. * @param filename (string) Path to existing sqlite database file * @param name (string) Name of the database. On Android it must not contain path elements. * @return Titanium.Database.DB a database object, used to interact with the database * @since 0.8 */ 'install': function( filename, name ) { return new Titanium.Database.DB(); }, /** * Opens a database. * @param name (string) Name of the database. On Android it must not contain path elements. * @return Titanium.Database.DB a database object, used to interact with the database * @since 0.4 */ 'open': function( name ) { return new Titanium.Database.DB(); } }; /** * @package Titanium * @subpackage Database */ Titanium.Database.DB = { /** * Same as getLastInsertRowId method. * the id of the last of rows affected by the last execute * @since 0.4 */ 'lastInsertRowId': 0, /** * Same as getRowsAffected method. * the number of rows affected by the last execute * @since 0.4 */ 'rowsAffected': 0, /** * Close the database. This should be called to prevent resource leaks. * close an open database * @since 0.4 */ 'close': function() { }, /** * Perform an operation on the database. * perform a command on a database * @param sql (string) the SQL text. Multiple statements, separated by semi-colons, are not supported on Android. * @param args (mixed) one or more arguments appearing after the sql parameter. Must be integer, float, string, or any data converted to string (optional) * @return Titanium.Database.ResultSet * @since 0.4 */ 'execute': function( sql, args) { return new Titanium.Database.ResultSet(); }, /** * The row id of the last insert operation. * convenience method for lastInsertRowId * @return int The id. * @since 0.4 */ 'getLastInsertRowId': function() { return 0; }, /** * The number of rows affected by the last operation. * convenience method for rowsAffected * @return int the affected row count. * @since 0.4 */ 'getRowsAffected': function() { return 0; }, /** * Remove this database from the device. This is a destructive operation. * remove a database * @since 0.4 */ 'remove': function() { } }; /** * @package Titanium * @subpackage Database */ Titanium.Database.ResultSet = { /** * Close an open ResultSet. Should be called to prevent resources from leaking. * Releases the state associated with the result set * @since 0.4 */ 'close': function() { }, /** * Retrieve the data from a column on the current row. * Returns the contents of the specified field in the current row * @param index (int) The zero-based index of the column to retrieve. * @return string The contents of the column. * @since 0.4 */ 'field': function( index) { return ''; }, /** * Retrieve the contents of a column on the current row using the column name. * Returns the contents of the specified field in the current row using the name of the field as an identifier * @param fieldName (string) the column name * @return string the contents of the column. * @since 0.4 */ 'fieldByName': function( fieldName ) { return ''; }, /** * The number of columns in each row of the current ResultSet. * Returns the number of fields of the result set * @return int the number of columns * @since 0.4 */ 'fieldCount': function() { return 0; }, /** * The name of the field at the given column position. * Returns the name of the specified field in the current result set taken from the SQL statement which was executed * @param index (int) the zero-based index * @return string the column name * @since 0.4 */ 'fieldName': function( index ) { return ''; }, /** * The number of rows in the ResultSet. Previously rowCount(). * @return int the row count * @since 0.8 */ 'getRowCount': function() { return 0; }, /** * Used to determine if operations may be peformed on this row. * Checks whether you can call data extraction methods * @return bool True, if it is safe to operate on the row. * @since 0.4 */ 'isValidRow': function() { return true; }, /** * Move to the next row in the ResultSet. * @return bool True, if the move was successful. * @since 0.4 */ 'next': function() { return true; }, /** * The number of rows in the ResultSet. * Returns the number of rows of the result set * @return int the row count * @since 0.4 * @deprecated */ 'rowCount': function() { } }; /** * @package Titanium * @subpackage Filesystem */ Titanium.Filesystem = { /** * Flag for opening in append mode. * @constant * @final * @since 0.7 */ 'MODE_APPEND': 0, /** * Flag for opening in read mode. * @constant * @final * @since 0.7 */ 'MODE_READ': 1, /** * Flag for opening in write mode. * @constant * @final * @since 0.7 */ 'MODE_WRITE': 2, /** * Creates a temporary directory. * @return (Titanium.Filesystem.File) a File object referencing a temporary directory. * @since 0.4 */ 'createTempDirectory': function() { return new Titanium.Filesystem.File(); }, /** * Creates a temporary file. * @return (Titanium.Filesystem.File) a File object referencing a temporary file. * @since 0.4 */ 'createTempFile': function() { return new Titanium.Filesystem.File(); }, /** * Returns a file object pointing to the application's on device data directory. * @return (Titanium.Filesystem.File) the file object to the application data directory * @since 0.4 */ 'getApplicationDataDirectory': function() { return new Titanium.Filesystem.File(); }, /** * Returns a file object pointing to the application's off device data directory. * @return (Titanium.Filesystem.File) the file object to the application mass data directory * @since 0.7.2 */ 'getApplicationMassDataDirectory': function() { return new Titanium.Filesystem.File(); }, /** * Returns a file path, optionally joining multiple arguments together in an OS specific way. * @param arguments (string) one or more path segments to join * @return (Titanium.Filesystem.File) a File reference the file * @since 0.4 */ 'getFile': function( arguments ) { return new Titanium.Filesystem.File(); }, /** * Returns a file stream, optionally joining multiple arguments together in an OS specific way. * @param arguments (string) one or more path segments to join * @return (Titanium.Filesystem.Filestream) a FileStream reference the file * @since 0.4 */ 'getFileStream': function( arguments ) { return new Titanium.Filesystem.Filestream(); }, /** * Returns the line ending for this system. * @return (string) the end of line character(s) * @since 0.4 */ 'getLineEnding': function() { return ''; }, /** * Returns a file object pointing to the application's Resources. * @return (Titanium.Filesystem.File) the file object to the application Resources directory * @since 0.4 */ 'getResourcesDirectory': function() { return new Titanium.Filesystem.File(); }, /** * Returns the PATH separator for this system. * @return (string) the PATH separator * @since 0.4 */ 'getSeparator': function() { return ''; }, /** * Check to see if external media storage exists. * @return (bool) true if external storage is present; otherwise, false. * @since 0.4 */ 'isExternalStoragePresent': function() { return false; } }; /** * @package Titanium * @subpackage Filesystem */ Titanium.Filesystem.File = { /** * Copies a file to a specified location. * @param destination (string) destination to copy to * @return (bool) true if the file was successfully copied; otherwise false. * @since 0.4 */ 'copy': function( destination ) { return true; }, /** * Creates a new directory. * @since 0.4 */ 'createDirectory': function() { }, /** * Returns the created timestamp of a file or directory. * @return (double) the creation time of the file or directory * @since 0.4 */ 'createTimestamp': function() { return 0.0; }, /** * Deletes a directory. * @return (bool) true if the file was successfully deleted; otherwise, false. * @since 0.4 */ 'deleteDirectory': function() { return true; }, /** * Deletes a file. * @return (bool) true if the file was successfully deleted; otherwise, false. * @since 0.4 */ 'deleteFile': function() { return true; }, /** * Checks whether a file or directory exists in the users system. * @return (bool) true if the file or directory exists; otherwise false. * @since 0.4 */ 'exists': function() { return true; }, /** * Returns the extension of a file. * @return (string) extension of the file * @since 0.4 */ 'extension': function() { return ''; }, /** * Returns a list containing the names of items in a directory. * @return (list) a list of File items inside the directory. (Not implemented in Android beta) * @since 0.4 */ 'getDirectoryListing': function() { return []; }, /** * Returns the parent directory of a file or directory. * @return (Titanium.Filesystem.File) the parent directory * @since 0.4 */ 'getParent': function() { return new Titanium.Filesystem.File(); }, /** * Checks whether a file object references a directory. * @return (bool) true if the File object references a directory; otherwise, false. * @since 0.4 */ 'isDirectory': function() { return true; }, /** * Checks whether a file is an executable file. * @return (bool) true if the file is an executable file, false if otherwise * @since 0.4 */ 'isExecutable': function() { return true; }, /** * Checks whether a file object references a file. * @return (bool) true if the File object references a file; otherwise, false. * @since 0.4 */ 'isFile': function() { return true; }, /** * Checks whether a file or directory is hidden. * @return (bool) true if the file or directory is hidden, false if otherwise * @since 0.4 */ 'isHidden': function() { return true; }, /** * Checks whether a file or directory is read-only. * @return (bool) true if the file or directory is read-only, false if otherwise * @since 0.4 */ 'isReadonly': function() { return true; }, /** * Checks whether the File object references a symbolic link. * @return (bool) true if the File object references a symbolic link, false if otherwise * @since 0.4 */ 'isSymbolicLink': function() { return true; }, /** * Checks whether a file or directory is writeable. * @return (bool) true if the file or directory is writeable, false if otherwise * @since 0.4 */ 'isWritable': function() { return true; }, /** * Returns the last modified timestamp of a file or directory. * @return (double) the modification time of the file or directory * @since 0.4 */ 'modificationTimestamp': function() { return 0.0; }, /** * Moves a file to a specified location. * @param destination (string) destination to move to * @return (bool) true if the file was successfully moved; otherwise, false * @since 0.4 */ 'move': function( destination ) { return true; }, /** * Returns the full native path of a file or directory. * @return (string) full native path of the file or directory * @since 0.4 */ 'nativePath': function() { return ''; }, /** * Returns one line (separated by line ending) from a file. * @return (string) a string of data from the file * @since 0.4 */ 'read': function() { return ''; }, /** * Returns one line (separated by line ending) from a file. * @return (string) A string of data from the file * @since 0.4 */ 'readline': function() { return ''; }, /** * Renames a file. * @param destination (string) new name * @return (bool) true if the file was successfully renamed; otherwise, false * @since 0.4 */ 'rename': function( destination ) { return true; }, /** * Resolves a File object to a file path. * @param path (string) path to resolve * @return (Titanium.Filesystem.File) a file object referencing a path. (Not implemented in Android, beta) * @since 0.4 */ 'resolve': function( path ) { return new Titanium.Filesystem.File(); }, /** * Makes the file or directory executable. * @return (bool) returns true if the operation was successful; otherwise, false * @since 0.4 */ 'setExecutable': function() { return true; }, /** * Makes the file or directory readonly. * @return (bool) returns true if the operation was successful; otherwise, false * @since 0.4 */ 'setReadonly': function() { return true; }, /** * Makes the file or directory writeable. * @return (bool) returns true if the operation was successful; otherwise, false * @since 0.4 */ 'setWriteable': function() { return true; }, /** * Returns the size of the file in bytes. * @return (double) the size of a file or directory in bytes * @since 0.4 */ 'size': function() { return 0.0; }, /** * Returns the space available on the filesystem. * @return (double) the space available on the filesystem (Not implemented in Android beta) * @since 0.4 */ 'spaceAvailable': function() { return 0.0; }, /** * Get the string representation. * @return (string) returns string representation of the file or directory * @since 0.4 */ 'toString': function() { return ''; }, /** * Returns the url to a file or directory. * @return (string) full url of the file or directory * @since 0.7 */ 'toURL': function() { return ''; }, /** * Writes data to the file * @param data (string) data to write to file * @param append (bool) true if write should append to file * @return (bool) returns true if the operation was successful; otherwise, false * @since 0.4 */ 'write': function( data, append ) { return true; } }; /** * @package Titanium * @subpackage Filesystem */ Titanium.Filesystem.Filestream = { /** * Returns the url to a file or directory. * @return (string) full url of the file or directory * @since 0.7 */ 'toURL': function() { return ''; } }; /** * @package Titanium * @subpackage Geolocation */ Titanium.Geolocation = { 'hasCompass': true, /** * Stop watching geolocation events. * @param watchId (int) The value returned from watchPosition * @since 0.4 */ 'clearWatch': function( watchId ) { }, 'forwardGeocoder': function( address, callback ) { }, 'getCurrentHeading': function( success, failure ) { }, /** * Query the device for the last known position. On Android, this method does not cause the radio to start. * @param success (function) Function to be invoked with a position object if the operation is successful * @param failure (function) Function to be invoked if a failure occurs while retrieving the last position * @param options (Object) An object that contains options to be used by the method * @since 0.4 */ 'getCurrentPosition': function( success, failure, options ) { }, 'reverseGeocoder': function( latitude, longitude, callback ) { }, 'watchHeading': function( success, failure ) { }, /** * Register to receive geolocation updates. * continously query the Geolocation services for location updates * @param success (function) Function to be invoked with a position object if the operation is successful * @param failure (function) Function to be invoked if a failure occurs while retrieving the last position * @param options (Object) An object that contains options to be used by the method * @return (int) id to pass to clearWatch to stop un-register * @since 0.4 */ 'watchPosition': function( success, failure, options ) { return 0; } }; /** * @package Titanium * @subpackage Gesture */ Titanium.Gesture = { /** * Device is rotated 90 degrees to the left of portrait. * integer that represents both landscape left or landscape right orientation * @constant * @final * @since 0.4 */ 'LANDSCAPE': 3, /** * Device is rotated 90 degrees to the left of portrait. Same as LANDSCAPE. * integer that represents landscape orientation where the home button is to the left of the screen * @constant * @final * @since 0.4 */ 'LANDSCAPE_LEFT': 1, /** * Device is rotated 90 degrees to the right of portrait. Not reported on Android. * integer that represents landscape orientation where the home button is to the right of the screen * @constant * @final * @since 0.4 */ 'LANDSCAPE_RIGHT': 2, /** * Portrait orientation. * integer that represents portrait orientation * @constant * @final * @since 0.4 */ 'PORTRAIT': 0, /** * Not reported on Android. Device rotated 180 degrees from portrait. * integer that represents an upside-down portrait orientation * @constant * @final * @since 0.4 */ 'UPSIDE_PORTRAIT': 4, /** * Listen for Gesture events. currently supported events are 'orientationchange' and 'shake'. * add an event listener to be called for a gesture event and returns the function to use when removing * @param eventName (string) A supported gesture event name * @param listener (function) Function to pass events gesture events to. * @return (int) id to pass to removeEventListener to stop receiving events. Id is only valid for use with the event name that was used to register the listener * @since 0.4 */ 'addEventListener': function( eventName, listener ) { return 0; }, /** * Helper method to determine if device is in any landscape position. * indicates whether or not the passed in value is a landscape view. * @param orientation (int) Obtained via the 'orentationchange' event's 'to' or 'from' property * @since 0.4 */ 'isLandscape': function( orientation ) { }, /** * Helper method to determine if device is in any portrait position. * indicates whether or not the passed in value is a portrait view. * @param orientation (int) Obtained via the 'orientationchange' event's 'to' or 'from' property * @since 0.4 */ 'isPortrait': function( orientation ) { }, /** * Remove gesture event listener. * removes an event listener from gesture events * @param eventName (string) Event name used to register event. * @param listenerId (int) Id returned from addEventListener. Ids are only valid for the eventName passed in addEventListener * @since 0.4 */ 'removeEventListener': function( eventName, listenerId ) { } }; /** * @package Titanium * @subpackage Map */ Titanium.Map = { }; /** * @package Titanium * @subpackage Media */ Titanium.Media = { /** * Play an audio alert using the system default notification. * Causes the system to make an alert noise and/or vibrate * @since 0.4 */ 'beep': function() { }, /** * Creates a Sound object. * @param url (string) url to sound * @return (Titanium.Media.Sound) the sound object * @since 0.4 */ 'createSound': function( url ) { return new Titanium.Media.Sound(); }, /** * Start video player. * Creates a video-playing object * @param options (Object) hash/dictionary of video player options * @since 0.4 */ 'createVideoPlayer': function( options ) { }, /** * Show a photo browser. On Android the browser allows editing. * Presents the image picker interface to the user to let them choose an image from their image gallery. * @since 0.4 */ 'openPhotoGallery': function() { }, /** * Start the photo gallery on a specific image. * @param options (Object) hash/dictionary of viewing options * @since 0.4 */ 'previewImage': function( options ) { }, /** * Start the camera for capturing an image. * Presents the camera interface to the user to let them take a photo * @param options (Object) hash/dictionary for camera options * @since 0.4 */ 'showCamera': function( options ) { }, /** * Vibrate the device. * Causes the system to vibrate. * @since 0.4 */ 'vibrate': function() { } }; /** * @package Titanium * @subpackage Media */ Titanium.Media.Sound = { /** * Add event listener, currently supports 'complete' and 'error' events. * add an event listener to be called for a Media.Sound event and returns the function to use when removing * @param eventName (string) Name of event * @param listener (function) listener for the event in eventName * @return (int) id to pass to removeEventListener to stop receiving events * @since 0.4 */ 'addEventListener': function( eventName, listener ) { return 0; }, /** * Returns the volume value of a Sound object. * @return (double) current level for this Sound * @since 0.4 */ 'getVolume': function() { return 0.0; }, /** * Checks whether a Sound object is set to loop. * @return (bool) true, if the Sound is currently set to loop * @since 0.4 */ 'isLooping': function() { return true; }, /** * Checks whether a Sound object is paused. * @return (bool) true if the sound is currently paused * @since 0.4 */ 'isPaused': function() { return true; }, /** * Checks whether a Sound object is currently playing. * @return (bool) true, if the Sound is currently playing * @since 0.4 */ 'isPlaying': function() { return true; }, /** * Pauses a currently playing Sound object. * @since 0.4 */ 'pause': function() { }, /** * Plays the file referenced by a Sound object. * @since 0.4 */ 'play': function() { }, /** * Release native resources associated with this Sound object. * This should release a Sound object as soon as you are finished with it. * Invalidates the sound object and frees associated memory. * @since 0.4 */ 'release': function() { }, /** * removes an event listener from Media.Sound events. * @since 0.4 */ 'removeEventListener': function() { }, /** * Reset sound to the beginning. * Moves the starting point to the beginning. If the music was paused, * this is the same as pressing stop. If the music was playing, * the sound will start playing from the start. * @since 0.4 */ 'reset': function() { }, /** * Sets the looping of a Sound object. * @param loop (bool) if true, Sound will loop until stopped * @since 0.4 */ 'setLooping': function( loop ) { }, /** * Sets the volume value of a Sound object. * @param v (double) value between 0.0 and 1.0 * @since 0.4 */ 'setVolume': function( v ) { }, /** * Stop the sound and reset to the beginning. * Stops a currently playing Sound object. * @since 0.4 */ 'stop': function() { } }; /** * @package Titanium * @subpackage Media */ Titanium.Media.Video = { 'addEventListener': function() { }, 'isPaused': function() { }, 'isPlaying': function() { }, 'pause': function() { }, 'play': function() { }, 'release': function() { }, 'removeEventListener': function() { }, 'reset': function() { }, 'stop': function() { } }; /** * @package Titanium * @subpackage UI */ Titanium.UI = { /** * Full ASCII keyboard. * A possible value for UI.NativeControl.keyboardType; indicates the * keyboard will be standard QWERTY keyboard * @constant * @final * @since 0.6 */ 'KEYBOARD_ASCII': 0, /** * ASCII keyboard with email keys like '@'. * A possible value for UI.NativeControl.keyboardType; indicates the * keyboard will be the standard QWERTY keyboard, but with @ and * period keys next to the space key * @constant * @final * @since 0.6 */ 'KEYBOARD_EMAIL_ADDRESS': 1, /** * Full ASCII keyboard with Numbers and Punctuation visible. * A possible value for UI.NativeControl.keyboardType; indicates the * keyboard will be the standard QUERTY keyboard, but displaying * numbers and punctuation by default * @constant * @final * @since 0.6 */ 'KEYBOARD_NUMBERS_PUNCTUATION': 2, /** * Current same as KEYBOARD_NUMBERS_PUNCTUATION. * A possible value for UI.NativeControl.keyboardType; indicates the * keyboard will be a 12-key keypad, with a blank key to the left of * the 0, and delete to the right * @constant * @final * @since 0.6 */ 'KEYBOARD_NUMBER_PAD': 3, /** * Phone dialpad keys. * A possible value for UI.NativeControl.keyboardType; indicates the * keyboard will be a 12-key keypad, with +*# to the left of the * 0 key, and delete to the right * @constant * @final * @since 0.6 */ 'KEYBOARD_PHONE_PAD': 4, /** * Hybrid map view. * @constant * @final * @since 0.8 */ 'MAP_VIEW_HYBRID': 2, /** *Satellite map view. * @constant * @final * @since 0.8 */ 'MAP_VIEW_SATELLITE': 1, /** * Standard map view. * @constant * @final * @since 0.8 */ 'MAP_VIEW_STANDARD': 0, /** * Displays the Done button. * A possible value for UI.NativeControl.returnKeyType; indicates * the lower right keyboard button will be labelled "Done" * @constant * @final * @since 0.6 */ 'RETURNKEY_DONE': 0, /** * Displays the Go button. (Soft keyboard doesn't allow for text change yet) * A possible value for UI.NativeControl.returnKeyType; indicates * the lower right keyboard button will be labelled "Emergency Call" * @constant * @final * @since 0.6 */ 'RETURNKEY_EMERGENCY_CALL': 1, /** * Displays the Go button. * A possible value for UI.NativeControl.returnKeyType; indicates * the lower right keyboard button will be labelled "Go" * @constant * @final * @since 0.6 */ 'RETURNKEY_GO': 2, /** * Displays the Go button. (Soft keyboard doesn't allow for text change yet) * A possible value for UI.NativeControl.returnKeyType; indicates * the lower right keyboard button will be labelled "Google" * @constant * @final * @since 0.6 */ 'RETURNKEY_GOOGLE': 3, /** * Displays the Go button. (Soft keyboard doesn't allow for text change yet) * A possible value for UI.NativeControl.returnKeyType; indicates * the lower right keyboard button will be labelled "Join" * @constant * @final * @since 0.6 */ 'RETURNKEY_JOIN': 4, /** * Displays the Next button. * A possible value for UI.NativeControl.returnKeyType; indicates * the lower right keyboard button will be labelled "Next" * @constant * @final * @since 0.6 */ 'RETURNKEY_NEXT': 5, /** * Displays the Go button. (Soft keyboard doesn't allow for text change yet) * A possible value for UI.NativeControl.returnKeyType; indicates * the lower right keyboard button will be labelled "Route" * @constant * @final * @since 0.6 */ 'RETURNKEY_ROUTE': 6, /** * Displays the Search button. * A possible value for UI.NativeControl.returnKeyType; indicates * the lower right keyboard button will be labelled "Search" * @constant * @final * @since 0.6 */ 'RETURNKEY_SEARCH': 7, /** * Displays the Go button. (Soft keyboard doesn't allow for text change yet) * A possible value for UI.NativeControl.returnKeyType; indicates * the lower right keyboard button will be labelled "Yahoo" * @constant * @final * @since 0.6 */ 'RETURNKEY_YAHOO': 8, /** * Position the row at top if currently above the tableview. Position the row at bottom if currently below the tableview. Don't change if already visible in the tableview. * @constant * @final * @since 0.8 */ 'TABLEVIEW_POSITION_ANY': 0, /** * Position the row at the top of the tableview. * @constant * @final * @since 0.8 */ 'TABLEVIEW_POSITION_BOTTOM': 3, /** * Position the row in the middle of the tableview. * @constant * @final * @since 0.8 */ 'TABLEVIEW_POSITION_MIDDLE': 2, /** * Position the row at the top of the tableview. * @constant * @final * @since 0.8 */ 'TABLEVIEW_POSITION_TOP': 1, /** * open the window * @param {Array} options Options used to configure window before opening. (optional) * @since 0.8 */ 'UserWindow': function( options ) { }, /** * */ 'addEventListener': function( eventName, eventHandler ) { }, /** * */ 'createActivityIndicator': function( options ) { }, /** * */ 'createAlertDialog': function( options ) { }, /** * */ 'createButton': function( options ) { }, /** * */ 'createCompositeView': function( options ) { }, /** * */ 'createEmailDialog': function( options ) { }, /** * */ 'createImageView': function( options ) { }, /** * */ 'createMapView': function( options ) { }, /** * */ 'createMenu': function() { }, /** * */ 'createNotification': function( options ) { }, /** * */ 'createOptionDialog': function( options ) { }, /** * */ 'createProgressBar': function( options ) { }, /** * */ 'createScrollableView': function( options ) { }, /** * */ 'createSlider': function( options ) { }, /** * */ 'createSwitch': function( options ) { }, /** * */ 'createTableView': function( options ) { }, /** * */ 'createTextArea': function( options ) { }, /** * */ 'createTextField': function( options ) { }, /** * */ 'createWebView': function( options ) { }, /** * */ 'createWindow': function( options ) { }, /** * */ 'currentView': function() { }, /** * */ 'currentWindow': function() { }, /** * */ 'getTabs': function() { }, /** * */ 'getTagByName': function( name ) { }, /** * */ 'removeEventListener': function( eventName, listenerId ) { }, /** * */ 'setActiveTab': function( Tab ) { }, /** * */ 'setMenu': function( m ) { } }; /** * @package Titanium * @subpackage UI */ Titanium.UI.ActivityIndicator = { 'DETERMINANT': 0, 'DIALOG': 1, 'INDETERMINANT': 2, 'STATUS_BAR': 3, 'hide': function() { }, 'setLocation': function( location ) { }, 'setMax': function( n ) { }, 'setMessage': function( msg ) { }, 'setMin': function( n ) { }, 'setType': function( type ) { }, 'setValue': function( n ) { }, 'show': function() { } }; /** * @package Titanium * @subpackage UI */ Titanium.UI.AlertDialog = { 'addEventListener': function( eventName, listener ) { }, 'removeEventListener': function( eventName, listenerId ) { }, 'setButtonNames': function( names ) { }, 'setMessage': function( message ) { }, 'setTitle': function( title ) { }, 'show': function() { } }; /** * @package Titanium * @subpackage UI */ Titanium.UI.Android = { }; /** * @package Titanium * @subpackage UI */ Titanium.UI.Android.AnimationStyle = { 'FADE': 0, 'HEADLINES': 1, 'SCALE': 2, 'SLIDE_FROM_BOTTOM': 3, 'SLIDE_FROM_LEFT': 4, 'SLIDE_FROM_RIGHT': 5, 'SLIDE_FROM_TOP': 6, 'WINK': 7 }; /** * @package Titanium * @subpackage UI */ Titanium.UI.Android.SystemIcon = { 'ACTION': '', 'ADD': '', 'BACK': '', 'BOOKMARKS': '', 'CAMERA': '', 'CANCEL': '', 'COMPOSE': '', 'DONE': '', 'EDIT': '', 'FAST_FORWARD': '', 'FORWARD': '', 'HELP': '', 'HOME': '', 'NEXT': '', 'ORGANIZE': '', 'PAUSE': '', 'PLAY': '', 'PREFERENCES': '', 'PREVIOUS': '', 'REFRESH': '', 'REPLY': '', 'REVERT': '', 'REWIND': '', 'SAVE': '', 'SEARCH': '', 'SEND': '', 'SHARE': '', 'STOP': '', 'TRASH': '', 'VIEW': '', 'ZOOM': '' }; Titanium.UI.Button = { 'addEventListener': function( eventName, listener ) { }, 'removeEventListener': function( eventName, listenerId ) { } }; Titanium.UI.CompositeView = { 'addEventListener': function( eventName, listener ) { }, 'addView': function( view, layout ) { }, 'removeEventListener': function( eventName, listenerId ) { } }; Titanium.UI.DatePicker = { 'MODE_DATE': 0, 'MODE_TIME': 1, 'addEventListener': function( eventName, listener ) { }, 'removeEventListener': function( eventName, listenerId ) { } }; Titanium.UI.EmailDialog = { 'addAttachment': function() { }, 'setSubject': function() { }, 'setMessageBody': function() { }, 'setBarColor': function() { }, 'open': function() { } }; Titanium.UI.ImageView = { 'addEventListener': function( eventName, listener ) { }, 'removeEventListener': function( eventName, listenerId ) { } }; Titanium.UI.MapView = { 'addEventListener': function( eventName, listener ) { }, 'removeEventListener': function( eventName, listenerId ) { }, 'setCenterCoordinate': function( coordinate ) { }, 'setRegion': function( coordinate ) { }, 'setType': function( type ) { } }; Titanium.UI.MenuItem = { 'addItem': function( label, callback, icon ) { }, 'addSeparator': function() { }, 'addSubMenu': function( label, icon ) { }, 'disable': function() { }, 'enable': function() { }, 'getIcon': function() { }, 'getLabel': function() { }, 'isEnabled': function() { }, 'isItem': function() { }, 'isRoot': function() { }, 'isSeparator': function() { }, 'isSubMenu': function() { }, 'setIcon': function( path ) { }, 'setLabel': function( label ) { } }; Titanium.UI.Notifier = { 'hide': function( animate ) { }, 'setDelay': function( delay ) { }, 'setIcon': function( iconUrl ) { }, 'setMessage': function( message ) { }, 'setTitle': function( title ) { }, 'show': function( animate, autohide ) { } }; Titanium.UI.OptionDialog = { 'addEventListener': function( eventName, listener ) { }, 'removeEventListener': function( eventName, listenerId ) { }, 'setOptions': function( options ) { }, 'setTitle': function( title ) { }, 'show': function() { } }; Titanium.UI.Picker = { 'addEventListener': function( eventName, listener ) { }, 'removeEventListener': function( eventName, listenerId ) { } }; Titanium.UI.ScrollableView = { 'addEventListener': function( eventName, listener ) { }, 'removeEventListener': function( eventName, listenerId ) { }, 'scrollToView': function( view ) { }, 'setShowPagingControl': function( view ) { }, 'setViews': function( views ) { } }; Titanium.UI.SearchBar = { 'blur': function() { }, 'focus': function() { } }; Titanium.UI.Slider = { 'value': 0, 'addEventListener': function( eventName, listener ) { }, 'getValue': function() { return 0; }, 'removeEventListener': function( eventName, listenerId ) { }, 'setValue': function( value ) { } }; Titanium.UI.Switch = { 'value': true, 'addEventListener': function( eventName, listener ) { }, 'getValue': function() { return true; }, 'removeEventListener': function( eventName, listenerId ) { }, 'setValue': function( value ) { } }; Titanium.UI.TableView = { '_data': '', 'UpdateRow': function( index, options ) { }, 'addEventListener': function( eventName, listener ) { }, 'appendRow': function( rowData, options ) { }, 'deleteRow': function( index ) { }, 'getIndexByName': function( name ) { }, 'getName': function() { }, 'getRowCount': function() { }, 'insertRowAfter': function( index, options ) { }, 'insertRowBefore': function( index, options ) { }, 'removeEventListener': function( eventName, listenerId ) { }, 'scrollToIndex': function( index ) { }, 'setBarColor': function( color ) { }, 'setData': function( data ) { }, 'setRowHeight': function( rowHeight ) { } }; Titanium.UI.TextArea = { 'addEventListener': function( eventName, listener ) { }, 'blur': function() { }, 'focus': function() { }, 'getValue': function() { return ''; }, 'removeEventListener': function( eventName, listenerId ) { }, 'setValue': function( value ) { } }; Titanium.UI.TextField = { 'value': '', 'addEventListener': function( eventName, listener ) { }, 'blur': function() { }, 'focus': function() { }, 'getValue': function() { return ''; }, 'removeEventListener': function( eventName, listenerId ) { }, 'setValue': function( value ) { } };