--- title: Firmware Unpacking layout: default created: 2009-05-20 02:17:15 +0200 updated: 2009-05-24 23:27:24 +0200 toc: false tags: - know-how - hardware - apple - iphone - firmware - hacking --- Preparations ============ You'll need the following tools: * [genpass.c](http://www.theiphonewiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=GenPass) * [vfdecrypt-linux.tar.gz](http://code.google.com/p/iphone-elite/downloads/list) * [Xpwn](http://www.zdziarski.com/iphone-forensics/v2.x-Base/Xpwn/) * [OpenSSL 0.9.8h sources](http://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-0.9.8h.tar.gz) Now compile the `genpass.c`: 1. untar `openssl-0.9.8h.tar.gz` and rename the directory to just `openssl` 1. compile OpenSSL: cd openssl/ ./config && make 1. now go one directory up (I assume this is where you put the `genpass.c`) and compile it: gcc genpass.c openssl/libcrypto.a -o genpass -I openssl/include 1. the `vfdecrypt-linux.tar.gz` comes with a precompiled binary. If you want to compile it on your own, do it like this: gcc vfdecrypt.c ../openssl/libcrypto.a -I ../openssl/include/ -o vfdecrypt Unpacking the ipsw file ======================= The ***iP**hone **S**oft**w**are* `.ipsw` files are normal ZIP files. You can extract them with e.g. *IZArc*. The archives contain several files and some disk images: the iPhone OS itself, an Upgrade image and a Restore image. These 3 interesting files for the iPhone OS 3.0 BETA 5 are named like this (output of `unzip -l`): ~~~ Archive: iPhone1,2_3.0_7A312g_Restore.ipsw Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 208347136 05-04-09 13:09 018-4965-005.dmg 13086064 05-04-09 13:00 018-4970-005.dmg 13086064 05-04-09 13:00 018-4972-005.dmg ~~~ The larger one is the iPhone OS image, the other two are the two loader images (upgrade/restore). Decrypt a loader image ====================== You need an *initialization vector* and a *key* for decrypting this. For now, these are posted on [theiphonewiki.com](http://www.theiphonewiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=VFDecrypt_Keys:_3.x#iPhone_3G_5). Do this using the **Xpwntool**: ./xpwntool 018-4972-005.dmg ramdisk.dmg -iv 5508FD2D20F22048D4BC1780A0B1CAFF -k 198FEAFD04973FC8B07A052BE75B9288 Find encryption key for iPhoneOS ================================ The key might be already posted on [theiphonewiki.com](http://www.theiphonewiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=VFDecrypt_Keys:_3.x#iPhone_3G_5), so maybe we don't need this step. Use the compiled `genpass.c` to extract the encryption key from the decrypted loader image: ./genpass s5l8900x ./ramdisk.dmg 018-4965-005.dmg This will give something like this: ~~~ passphrase: fcdf5fbe3bdcaeff0c3de34430ffb473ac34cb0b55efdc087e70aa7c558a1055 not block 0 not block 1 not block 2 not block 3 not block 4 not block 5 vfdecryptk: f7b1edb0ee9196a1393dccdc8d090051308b84ab322bf860cb1d3ca566ef2e29752fa79a ~~~ Decrypt iPhoneOS ================ This was a bit tricky as the syntax for `vfdecrypt` was wrong in all other manuals and even in the syntax help of `vfdecrypt` itself. Run this: ./vfdecrypt -i018-4965-005.dmg -kf7b1edb0ee9196a1393dccdc8d090051308b84ab322bf860cb1d3ca566ef2e29752fa79a -odmg.dmg (Note the missing *\* between the parameter's name and value.) This will give you a file `dmg.dmg` which is the decrypted iPhoneOS image. Uncompress iPhoneOS image ========================= Since the `dmg.dmg` (199 MiB) is a compressed image, you can't mount it directly in Linux. You first have to unpack it. There's a tool `dmg` among the **Xpwntools**. So use it like this: ./dmg extract dmg.dmg dmg-raw.dmg You'll get a 441 MiB file `dmg-raw.dmg`. Mount iPhoneOS ============== To go exploring the iPhoneOS files, you can now mount the uncompressed image like this: sudo mount -o loop -t hfsplus ./dmg-raw.dmg /mnt/iphoneimage (Make sure that `/mnt/iphoneimage` exists and is an empty folder.) Links ===== * [mail-archive.com](http://www.mail-archive.com/linux4nano-dev@gna.org/msg00209.html) --- technical explanation * [tungchingkai.blogspot.com](http://tungchingkai.blogspot.com/2009/04/how-to-decrypt-iphone-os-30-beta.html) --- how to decrypt the firmware file * [theiphonewiki.com](http://www.theiphonewiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=VFDecrypt_Keys:_3.x#iPhone_3G_5) --- several encryption keys for iPhone firmware files