--- title: WiFi on bootup with guessnet layout: default created: 2008-11-15 18:32:48 +0100 updated: 2009-07-17 23:10:31 +0200 toc: false tags: - know-how - software - linux - networking - wifi --- Install the [guessnet](apt://guessnet) package. This will install the `guessnet-ifupdown` helper tool. Now edit your `/etc/network/interfaces` file and add the following lines: ~~~ auto wlan0 iface wlan0 inet dhcp wpa-ssid CompanyWLAN wpa-proto WPA wpa-key-mgmt WPA-PSK wpa-psk S3Cr3tKe4 mapping wlan0 script guessnet-ifupdown map default: wlan0-open map autofilter: true # look for wlan0- interfaces map timeout: 9 map init-time: 9 # for slow drivers map verbose: true map debug: false iface wlan0-home inet dhcp test wireless essid WLANatHOME closed wpa-psk S3cr3tH0meKe4 wpa-key-mgmt WPA-PSK wpa-proto WPA wpa-ssid WLANatHOME # if all else fails: pick an open network iface wlan0-open inet dhcp test wireless open wireless-essid any wireless-mode auto ~~~ This will first try to connect to the **CompanyWLAN** network and if this is not found, try the **WLANatHOME**. If everything fails, it will connect to any open Access Point.