# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ MicroPython SSD1306 I2C driver """ __author__ = "Markus Birth" __copyright__ = "Copyright 2016, Markus Birth" __credits__ = ["Markus Birth"] __license__ = "MIT" __version__ = "1.0" __maintainer__ = "Markus Birth" __email__ = "markus@birth-online.de" __status__ = "Production" # Datasheet: https://www.adafruit.com/datasheets/SSD1306.pdf # Inspiration from: # - https://github.com/khenderick/micropython-drivers/tree/master/ssd1306 # # PINOUT # WiPy/pyBoard display function # # 3V3 or any Pin => VCC 3.3V logic voltage (0=off, 1=on) # SDA => SDM data # SCL => SCL clock # GND => GND # # WiPy (on Exp board, SD and User-LED jumper have to be removed!) # PWR = directly from 3V3 pin of the WiPy try: import pyb as machine except: # WiPy import machine import struct import time class SSD1306: ADDRESSING_HORIZ = 0x00 ADDRESSING_VERT = 0x01 ADDRESSING_PAGE = 0x02 POWER_UP = 0xaf POWER_DOWN = 0xae DISPLAY_BLANK = 0xae DISPLAY_ALL = 0xa5 DISPLAY_NORMAL = [0xa4, 0xa6, 0xaf] DISPLAY_INVERSE = 0xa7 DC_CMD = 0x80 DC_DATA = 0x40 def __init__(self, i2c, pwr=None, devid=0x3c): self.width = 128 self.height = 64 self.devid = devid self.power = self.POWER_DOWN self.addressing = self.ADDRESSING_HORIZ self.display_mode = self.DISPLAY_NORMAL # init the I2C bus and pins i2c.init(i2c.MASTER, baudrate=400000) # 400 kHz if pwr: if "OUT_PP" in dir(pwr): # pyBoard style pwr.init(pwr.OUT_PP, pwr_PULL_NONE) else: # WiPy style pwr.init(pwr.OUT, None) self.i2c = i2c self.pwr = pwr self.osc_freq = 8 self.clock_div = 1 self.power_on() # enable power to the display self.set_power(self.POWER_DOWN) # set display to sleep mode self.set_mux_ratio(self.height) # set multiplex ratio to 64 (default), for 32px: 32 self.set_disp_offset(0) # set display offset to 0 self.set_disp_start_line(0) # set display start line to 0 self.set_segment_remap_enabled(False) self.set_com_output_scan_dir_remap_enabled(False) self.set_com_pins_hw_config(True, False) # COM pins (for 32px: False, False) self.set_contrast(255) self.set_osc_freq(8, False) # set oscillator freq., but don't send to LCD yet self.set_clock_div(1) # set clock div and send osc_freq+clock_div to LCD self.set_chargepump_enabled(True) # chargepump on (ext. VCC: off) self.set_addressing(self.ADDRESSING_HORIZ) self.set_precharge_period(15, 1) # with ext. VCC: 2, 2 (RESET) self.set_vcomh_deselect_level(4) self.set_display(DISPLAY_NORMAL) # enables and sets disp to show RAM contents, not inversed self.clear() def set_power(self, power): """ Sets the power mode of the LCD controller """ assert power in [self.POWER_UP, self.POWER_DOWN], "Power must be POWER_UP or POWER_DOWN." self.power = power self.command(power) def set_vcomh_deselect_level(self, level): """ Sets the Vcomh deselect level. """ assert 0 <= level < 8, "Level must be between 0 (0.65*Vcc) and 7 (1.07*Vcc)" value = (level << 4) self.command([0xdb, value]) def set_precharge_period(self, phase1_dclk, phase2_dclk): """ Sets the pre-charge period for both phases. """ assert 0 < phase1_dclk < 16, "phase1_dclk must be between 1 and 15. (2 = RESET)" assert 0 < phase2_dclk < 16, "phase2_dclk must be between 1 and 15. (2 = RESET)" value = (phase2_dclk << 4) value |= phase1_dclk self.command([0xd9, value]) def set_com_pins_hw_config(self, enable_alt_config, enable_lr_remap): """ Sets the COM pins hardware configuration. """ assert isinstance(enable_alt_config, bool), "enable_alt_config must be True or False." assert isinstance(enable_lr_remap, bool), "enable_lr_remap must be True or False." value = 0x02 if enable_alt_config: value |= 0x10 if enable_lr_remap: value |= 0x20 self.command([0xda, value]) def set_com_output_scan_dir_remap_enabled(self, status): """ Enables or disables COM output scan direction remapping. """ assert isinstance(status, bool), "Status must be True or False." self.command((0xc8 if status else 0xc0)) def set_segment_remap_enabled(self, status): """ Enables or disables segment remapping. """ assert isinstance(status, bool), "Status must be True or False." self.command((0xa1 if status else 0xa0)) def set_chargepump_enabled(self, status): """ Enables or disables the charge pump. """ assert isinstance(status, bool), "Status must be True or False." self.command([0x8d, (0x14 if status else 0x10)]) def _set_oscfreqclockdiv(self): """ Sets the oscillator frequency and clock divider value """ value = (self.osc_freq << 4) | (self.clock_div-1) self.command([0xd5, value]) def set_osc_freq(self, osc_freq, set=True): """ Stores and sets the oscillator frequency """ assert 0 <= osc_freq < 16, "Oscillator frequency must be between 0 and 15." self.osc_freq = osc_freq if set: self._set_oscfreqclockdiv() def set_clock_div(self, clock_div, set=True): """ Stores and sets clock divider """ assert 0 < clock_div <= 16, "Clock divider must be between 1 and 16." self.clock_div = clock_div if set: self._set_oscfreqclockdiv() def set_mux_ratio(self, mux_ratio): """ Sets the multiplex ratio. """ assert 16 <= mux_ratio <= 64, "Mux ratio must be between 16 and 64." self.command([0xa8, (mux_ratio-1)]) def set_disp_offset(self, offset): """ Sets the display offset (vertical shift). """ assert 0 <= offset < 63, "Offset must be between 0 and 63." self.command([0xd3, offset]) def set_disp_start_line(self, start_line): """ Sets the display RAM start line register. """ assert 0 <= start_line < 63, "Start line must be between 0 and 63." self.command(0x40 | start_line) def set_adressing(self, addr): """ Sets the adressing mode """ assert addr in [self.ADDRESSING_HORIZ, self.ADDRESSING_VERT, self.ADDRESSING_PAGE], "Addressing must be ADDRESSING_HORIZ, ADDRESSING_VERT or ADDRESSING_PAGE." self.addressing = addr self.command([0x20, addr]) def set_display(self, display_mode): """ Sets display mode (blank, black, normal, inverse) """ assert display_mode in [self.DISPLAY_BLANK, self.DISPLAY_ALL, self.DISPLAY_NORMAL, self.DISPLAY_INVERSE], "Mode must be one of DISPLAY_BLANK, DISPLAY_ALL, DISPLAY_NORMAL or DISPLAY_INVERSE." self.display_mode = display_mode self.command([display_mode]) def set_contrast(self, value): """ set OLED contrast """ assert 0x00 <= value <= 0xff, "Contrast value must be between 0 and 255" self.command([0x81, value]) def position(self, x, y): """ set cursor to page y, column x """ assert 0 <= x < self.width, "x must be between 0 and 127" assert 0 <= y < self.height // 8, "y must be between 0 and 7" self.command([0x20, 0x00, x, 0x21, 0x00, y]) def clear(self): """ clear screen """ self.position(0, 0) self.data([0] * (self.height * self.width // 8)) self.position(0, 0) def sleep_ms(self, mseconds): try: time.sleep_ms(mseconds) except AttributeError: machine.delay(mseconds) def sleep_us(self, useconds): try: time.sleep_us(useconds) except AttributeError: machine.udelay(useconds) def power_on(self): if self.pwr: self.pwr.value(1) self.reset() def reset(self): """ issue reset impulse to reset the display """ self.rst.value(0) # RST on self.sleep_us(100) # reset impulse has to be >100 ns and <100 ms self.rst.value(1) # RST off # Defaults after reset: # 1. Display is OFF # 2. 128 x 64 Display Mode # 3. Normal segment and display data column address and row address mapping (SEG0 mapped to # address 00h and COM0 mapped to address 00h) # 4. Shift register data clear in serial interface # 5. Display start line is set at display RAM address 0 # 6. Column address counter is set at 0 # 7. Normal scan direction of the COM outputs # 8. Contrast control register is set at 7Fh # 9. Normal display mode (Equivalent to A4h command) self.power = self.POWER_DOWN self.addressing = self.ADDRESSING_HORIZ self.display_mode = self.DISPLAY_NORMAL def power_off(self): self.clear() self.set_power(self.POWER_DOWN) self.sleep_ms(10) if self.pwr: self.pwr.value(0) # turn off power def command(self, arr): """ send bytes in command mode """ self.bitmap(arr, self.DC_CMD) def data(self, arr): """ send bytes in data mode """ self.bitmap(arr, self.DC_DATA) def bitmap(self, arr, dc): arr = [dc] + arr buf = struct.pack('B'*len(arr), *arr) self.i2c.send(buf, addr=self.devid, timeout=5000)